Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes    (ISSN 1198-9149)
Volume 13.1 (2006 09 15)
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen (University of New Brunswick) & J. R. Porter (University of Saskatchewan)     <

Published by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publié par la société canadienne des études classiques

President: Martin Cropp (University of Calgary) <>
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: Annabel Robinson (University of Regina) <>
  Contents of CCB/BCEA 13.1 (2006 09 15)                                           Return to CCB Archive   /   BCÉA Archives
        1. Obituary
                     (Peter Smith)
        2. Association Announcements
                     (2007 Sight Translation Competitions)
        3. Positions Available
                     (Victoria)   (Memorial)   (UBC)   (Queen's)
        4. Conference Announcements
                     (La gestion intégrée des ressources en eau dans l'histoire environnementale)   (Coinage And Currency In The Ancient World)
        5. Varia


From: Sonja Bermingham

Peter Smith

[Note: The following, with pictures, can be found at]

Peter Smith, Professor Emeritus, Greek and Roman Studies, died on the morning of August 29, after suffering a massive stroke some ten days before. Peter was a gracious friend to everyone who knew him, a great humanist in every sense of the word.

Along with John Carson and Geoffrey Archbold, he built the Department of Classics (Greek and Roman Studies), where he served as Chair on more than one occasion. Under his humane and watchful eye this Department flourished to become one of the premiere departments in Canada, if not the whole North American continent. He also served the University with distinction as Dean of Fine Arts.

Witty but never cruel, Peter was legendary as a teacher, and as a scholar and translator his work had a grace and polish that made him unique. An admirer and former student, Michael Chase, said of Peter: "He was one of a breed that I'm afraid may be on its way out: he did not publish mountains of material, but was a superlative and deeply inspiring teacher."

The Department of Greek and Roman Studies mourns his loss. He was actively planning one of his famous Mediterranean tours right up to the day of his stroke. As Michael Chase described him, "unfailingly courteous and kind to all and sundry," he supported and advanced the cause of the humanities and the Department of Greek and Roman studies throughout his life as a professor on this campus and without ceasing all through his retirement until the moment of his passing. We shall miss him dreadfully.

Funeral services for Peter will be September 10 (Sunday) at 2 pm in the University of Victoria Faculty (University) Club. The family asks that, instead of flowers, donations to a scholarship in the department of Greek and Roman Studies or to a charity of choice be made in Peter's memory.

Association Announcements
From: John Porter

Classical Association of Canada: Sight Translation Competitions in Greek and Latin
Société Canadienne des Études Classiques: Concours national de versions grecque et latine

National sight examinations in Greek and Latin for Canadian students at both the university and high school level will be held in January of 2007:

January 15, 2007: National Latin Sight Translation Competition for High School Students
January 18, 2007: Junior Latin Sight Translation Contest; Senior Latin Sight Translation Contest
January 25, 2007: Junior Greek Sight Translation Contest; Senior Greek Sight Translation Contest

Deadline for submissions: 1 December 2006

Please note: Submissions should be presented by departments, not by individual students or faculty. Please submit only one application per institution.

For more information, please visit:

or contact:

Professor John R. Porter
Department of History
9 Campus Drive
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A5
Tel: 306 - 966 - 4781
Fax: 306 - 966 - 5852

— — — — —

Société Canadienne des Études Classiques: Concours national de versions grecque et latine

Le concours national de versions grecque et latine aura lieu en janvier 2007:

15 janvier 2007: Concours de version latine improvisée pour les écoles secondaires
18 janvier 2007: Concours national de version latine, niveau initiation; Concours national de version latine, niveau supérieur
25 janvier 2007: Concours national de version grecque, niveau initiation; Concours national de version grecque, niveau supérieur

Date limite d'inscription: 1er décembre 2006

Les demandes d'inscription au concours doivent être envoyées par les insitutions. Chaque institution est priée de présenter une seule fiche de demande.

Renseignements: veuillez trouver plus d'information en suivant le lien ci-dessous  —

ou soumettre votre demande à:

Professor John R. Porter
Department of History
9 Campus Drive
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A5
Téléphone: 306 - 966 - 4781
Télécopieur: 306 - 966 - 5852

Positions Available
From: Sonja Bermingham

University of Victoria
Tenure-track Position in Greek History

[Note that this represents a change in the advertisement carried in CCB/BCEA 12.11.5.]

University of Victoria
Department of Greek and Roman Studies
Assistant Professor in Greek History

The Department of Greek and Roman Studies invites applications for a tenure track position in Greek History. We are seeking to make the appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor. Applicants should hold the PhD and be demonstrably active in research and publishing. The successful applicant should be able to offer a broad range of courses in Greek history, to introduce innovative courses related to his/her research areas, and to teach Greek at all levels of the undergraduate and graduate curriculum. In addition, the successful candidate should be willing to supervise MA students concentrating on Greek history and to participate in other relevant components of our MA program. Applications from candidates with innovative, interdisciplinary or cross-cultural approaches to Greek history will be particularly welcome. A willingness to contribute to the life and growth of the department is essential. The appointment will commence on July 1, 2007. Please send a letter of application and curriculum vitae to the Chair by November 15, 2006. In addition, three references should be asked to send confidential letters to the Chair by November 15, 2006.

Professor Gordon Shrimpton
Chair, Department of Greek and Roman Studies
P.O. Box 3045, STN CSC
University of Victoria
Victoria, BC V8W 3P4

Telephone: (250) 721-8514
Fax: (250) 721-8516

The University of Victoria is an equity employer and encourages applications from women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, Aboriginal Peoples, people of all sexual orientations and genders, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of the University.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

From: Tana Allen

Memorial University
Tenure-track Appointment in Roman History and Culture

Department of Classics
Memorial University

The Department of Classics invites applications for a definite tenure-track appointment. The department is particularly interested in a specialist in Roman history and culture. We seek candidates who demonstrate enthusiasm for teaching Greek and Latin, as well as a wide-range of courses in translation. The successful applicant will be expected to contribute to both undergraduate and graduate programs in a rejuvenated department. Applicants must provide evidence of teaching and research. Ph.D. in hand or near completion preferred. Applications should include a teaching dossier and a sample of academic writing. For information about the Department of Classics, please visit our website at Applications should be directed to: Dr. T.J Allen, Department of Classics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NL, Canada, A1C 5S7; Phone: (709) 737-8593; Fax: (709) 737-2135; email:

Memorial University is the largest university in Atlantic Canada. As the province's only university, Memorial plays an integral role in the education and cultural life of Newfoundland and Labrador. Offering diverse undergraduate and graduate programs to nearly 18,000 students, Memorial provides a distinctive and stimulating environment for learning in St. John's, a safe, friendly city with great historic charm, a vibrant cultural life, and easy access to a wide range of outdoor activities. With over 170 regular faculty members in 14 academic departments and a wide variety of interdisciplinary major, minor and diploma programs, the Faculty of Arts offers breadth, depth and diversity. Counting over 3,500 registered students with declared majors or minors, and with strong graduate programs, the Faculty is committed to providing solid teaching and research support to new appointees. The Faculty of Arts houses, among other units, the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER), ISER Books and the CFI-funded Digital Research Centre for Qualitative Fieldwork. It is also home to outstanding archival collections, including the Maritime History Archive, the Folklore and Language Archive and the Native Language Archive. Memorial's Queen Elizabeth II Library has excellent holdings with the most extensive collection of journals in the region. Please see

Memorial University is committed to employment equity and encourages applications from qualified women and men, visible minorities, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

From: Roger Wilson

University of British Columbia
Tenure-track Position in Latin Language and Literature

Applications are invited for the tenure-track position of Assistant Professor in Latin Language and Literature in the Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies (CNERS) in the Faculty of Arts, University of British Columbia. The area of specialization within the field of Latin language and literature is left open. Candidates should already have completed their PhD and ideally should have had some teaching experience. The candidate should also be able to demonstrate evidence of considerable scholarly research activity and future potential. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. All qualified persons are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority. The expected start date of the appointment will be July 1st 2007. The position is subject to final budgetary approval. Informal enquiries may be made to the Head of the Department of CNERS, Professor R.J.A. Wilson, at

Applicants should send their letter of application, together with a copy of their curriculum vitae, their university transcripts, and any other supporting documentation. Copies of individual reprints of a selection of published work, or of typescripts of forthcoming publications (the latter up to a total of 30 pages), are also welcome. The application should be accompanied by the names and addresses of three referees, and candidates are asked to request their referees to write separately on their behalf to the address below, to reach the Department not later than the date indicated. E-mail applications are not acceptable, but referees' letters of support can be so forwarded (to the address indicated above). All documentation should be sent to Professor R J A Wilson, Chair of the Search Committee, CNERS, Mary Bollert Hall, University of British Columbia, 6253 NW Marine Drive, Vancouver V6T 1Z1, to reach there not later than Friday October 20th 2006.

From: Terry Smith

Queen's University
Tenure-track Position in Late Antiquity

The Department of Classics at Queen's University invites applications for a tenure track appointment at the Assistant Professor level in any area of research in Late Antiquity. Candidates with an interest in intellectual history are especially encouraged to apply. The successful candidate should have a completed Ph.D. by the time of taking up the appointment, demonstrate a commitment to excellence in both teaching and research, and expect to teach a range of courses beyond the specialty at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including Latin and Greek. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Applications should include a full curriculum vitae, a plan of research, a statement of teaching philosophy, and samples of writing/publications. These materials and three confidential letters of reference are to be sent to: Dr. C. Falkner, Head, Department of Classics, Watson Hall, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6; phone (613) 533-2745; fax (613) 533-6739; email:

Deadline for completed applications is November 1st, 2006. The position, which is subject to budgetary approval, will commence on July 1, 2007.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and Permanent Residents will be given priority. The University invites applications from all qualified individuals. Queen's is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from women, visible minorities, aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity. The academic staff at Queen's University are governed by a Collective Agreement between the Queen's University Faculty Association (QUFA) and the University which is posted at

Conference Announcements
From: Ella Hermon

La gestion intégrée des ressources en eau dans l'histoire environnementale

Annonce de colloque international à l'Université Laval, Québec/ Conference Announcement at Laval University (Quebec)

La Chaire de recherche du Canada en interactions société-environnement naturel dans l'Empire romain organise un colloque international à l'Université Laval (Québec) du 27 au 29 octobre 2006. Le colloque intitulé "La gestion intégrée des ressources en eau dans l'histoire environnementale : savoirs traditionnels et pratiques modernes", dont les deux langues du travail sont le français et l'anglais, compte sur plus de 60 contributeurs de renommée internationale provenant de 12 pays de diverses parties du monde (Europe, Amérique du nord, Proche-Orient, Afrique du Nord). Je suis heureuse de vous informer que le programme et les résumés des communications en français et en anglais sont accessibles en ligne sur le site de la Chaire:

et que l'inscription est prolongée pour les intéressés à l'extérieur de la ville de Québec jusqu'au 1er octobre 2006.
L'objectif de ce colloque est d'explorer divers aspects de la gestion de l'eau de l'Antiquité à nos jours en prenant comme paradigme l'Empire romain et avec une attention particulière aux conditions de transférabilité des expériences du passé dans les pratiques modernes de gestion intégrée de l'eau. Cette vaste problématique sera examinée dans 10 ateliers et sessions thématiques dans le programme principal. Nous avons des contributions importantes "hors programme" et une section de présentation d'affiches. Les textes non inclus dans le programme principal seront également discutés dans les ateliers thématiques indiqués dans le programme. Les affiches ou les diaporamas envoyés par les participants seront présentés dans la section "projection permanente" du colloque. Nous encourageons de nouveaux participants au colloque à nous envoyer des affiches ou des diaporamas pertinents pour la thématique du colloque et ses ateliers. Cette documentation sera présentée dans le cadre d'un diagramme pédagogique conçu à cet effet.

Le formulaire d'inscription (35$ étudiants, 55$ retraités., $150 prix régulier) est en ligne sur le site du colloque. L'inscription donne droit au recueil bilingue des résumés (français, anglais), les pré-actes distribués en format CD et la réception de bienvenue à l'"Observatoire" de la ville de Québec. L'inscription au banquet au "Cercle de la garnison" est disponible en ligne. Les options d'hébergement incluent l'auberge de jeunesse en vieille ville de Québec, l'hôtel Universel près de l'Université à des prix conventionnés, quelques chambres encore disponibles sur le Campus. Pour plus d'information vous pouvez nous contacter à l'adresse courriel du colloque :

— — — — —

The Canada Research Chair in Society and the Natural Environment in the Roman Empire is organizing an international colloquium at Laval University (Quebec) on October 27-29. The conference is entitled "Integrated Water Management in Environmental History: Traditional Knowledge and Modern Practices " and contributors include more than 60 scholars in various disciplines from12 countries (Europe, North America, Middle East and North Africa). I am pleased to inform you that the conference program and the paper abstracts are available on-line at:

and that the registration was extended until October 1st for participants who are not Quebec City residents.

The thrust of the conference will be exploring various aspects of water management from Antiquity to the present using the experiences of the Roman Empire as one of its paradigms. An emphasis will be placed on drawing lessons from past experiences with water management potentially relevant to modern integrated water management practices. Various aspects of this broad theme will be dealt with at 10 interdisciplinary workshops and thematic sessions. A number of papers of contributors unable to attend the conference, as well as a poster/slide show section, are included. Contributions not included in the main program will be discussed in the respective workshops indicated in the program. Figures sent by the authors will be presented in the conference permanent projection section. Potential contributors interested to attend the conference are encouraged to send us relevant posters or slide shows.

Registration form ($35 for students, $55 dollars for retired persons, $150 regular participants) will be made available on-line at:

Registration covers the bilingual paper abstracts (French and English), Pre-conference proceeding (preliminary versions of papers) distributed in CD format and a reception at the "Observatoire" of Quebec City. The registration form to the banquet at "Cercle de la garnison" is available on-line. Accommodation facilities in Quebec City include: Youth hostel in old Quebec City, convenient hotel near the university, some rooms still available at the Campus of Laval University. For further information please contact us at:

From: Kelly Olson

Coinage And Currency In The Ancient World

Saturday September 30, 2006
The Hilton Hotel
London, Ontario

8:45 AM:   Coffee and registration
9:30 AM:   Peter van Alfen, American Numismatic Society, "Archaic and Classical Greek Cooperative Coinage"
10:30 AM:   Intermission
Robert Wallace, Northwestern University, "The Rapid Rise and Precipitous Decline of Electrum Coinage"
12:15 PM:   Lunch
1:30 PM:   John H. Kroll, University of Texas at Austin, "The Monetary Use of Weighed Bullion in Archaic Greece"
2:30 PM:   Intermission
2:45 PM:   Debra L. Nousek, University of Western Ontario, "Turning Points in Roman History: the Case of Caesar's Elephant Denarius"

To register, please go to:

From: Margaret-Anne Gillis

OISE B.Ed. in Classical Studies

Thank you to all professors who have contacted OISE regarding the cancellation of the B.Ed, programme for this year. In an eleventh hour decision, the FOUR candidates who were admitted to the programme for 2006-2007 and who were in jeopardy of losing this degree qualification were permitted to enrol in the Additional Qualification and Honour Specialist Courses offered at OISE this past July. As a result, all four will graduate with a B.Ed. in Latin in June 2007. However, there has still been no conversation about the future of the degree and there needs to be considerably more pressure applied in order to open a dialogue with the powers that be. If you are interested in and support the future of this degree, please write to OISE and express your concerns.

Thank you very much for your support of teaching!!

HELP SAVE THE BACHELOR OF EDUCATION IN CLASSICAL STUDIES: Latin at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto

The decision was recently made to cancel the Bachelor of Education in Classical Studies: Latin at OISE since only THREE candidates were admitted to the programme. It was hoped that by putting the degree into a two-year rotation, there would be more candidates generated. Sadly, this has not been the case and the future of the programme is in jeopardy.

With the publication of the new Ontario Curriculum in 1999 and 2000, Classical languages was launched into a spotlight that it had not enjoyed for some two decades. As a result of this, Dr. Ann Millar of OISE, agreed that perhaps it was time to "test the waters" and see if there were interested and qualified candidates who wanted to enrol in the B.Ed. in Classical languages. Under the auspices of OISE, the Ontario Classical Association increased its blitz of information to university Departments of Classics in the hopes of raising the profile of the degree and teaching generally.

In 2000, then Assistant Dean, Dr. Cecilia Reynolds, now Dean of Education at Saskatchewan, decided to resurrect the degree one year ahead of the test target date of 2001 since there were SEVEN Classicists admitted to OISE that year. Since then, we have trained some THIRTY-THREE Latin teachers, NINETEEN of whom have taken jobs in Latin. Another ELEVEN are reporting teaching in their second field.

If you support the teaching of Latin and ancient Greek at the secondary level as an outlet for your Classics majors, if you support the recognition of Classics as a valuable commodity for students to study at all levels of their education, if you support providing a continuity for students as they enter Classics programmes at the university level, HELP US SAVE THIS DEGREE.

Please contact Dr. Carol Rolheiser, Associate Dean—Teacher Education, and Dr. Jane Gaskell, Dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1V6.

Next regular issue 2006 10 15
Send submissions to <>