Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin Canadien des Etudes Anciennes

14.5      2008 02 18      ISSN 1198-9149


Editors/Rédacteurs: J. W. Geyssen (University of New Brunswick), Michael P. Fronda (McGill University) & Renaud Gagné (McGill University)





Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/

Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne des études classiques


President: James Murray (University of New Brunswick, Fredericton)

Secretary/ Secrétaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval)

Treasurer/ Trésorier: Annabel Robinson (University of Regina)




[1] Positions Available

[2] Calls for Papers

[3] Conference Announcements

[4] Scholarships

[5] Varia



[1] Positions Available


From:  Léopold Migeotte


We are happy to inform you that the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History of Ghent University is seeking a full-time lecturer or senior lecturer in Ancient History. The official announcement and all necessary details may be found at the University website: 
The salary will be in the range of 41,886 to 81.775,26 euro, depending on rank and previous experience.
The language of instruction in Ghent is Dutch. Note, however, that if the selected candidate is not Dutch-speaking he/she will be given time to learn the language.

Applications must be sent in duplicate by registered mail to the rector of Ghent University, Rectorate Building, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25, 9000 Ghent, using the specific application forms for Autonomous Academic Staff ('ZAP'), including the necessary attestations of competence (copies of degrees), the 29th of February, 2008 at the latest.

 The application forms for Autonomous Academic Staff (ZAP) can be downloaded from the internet:
Please note that the deadline for submissions is ***Feb. 29th.***



From:  Kathy Axcell


TRENT UNIVERSITY—The Department of Ancient History and Classics invites applications for two 9-month limited term positions at the rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor, depending on qualifications and teaching experience, to begin August 1, 2008. All appointments are subject to final budgetary approval. 


One limited term instructor will teach two two-term courses: Introduction to Classical Literature and an advanced course (3000-level) on Classical Literature (determined in consultation with the department), and a one-term advanced Latin course (Special Topic in Latin).  The second instructor will teach three two-term courses: Introductory Latin, Intermediate Latin, and Introductory Greek.


Candidates should have completed, or be very close to completing, a PhD and be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to excellence in both teaching and research. 


Applications (in either printed or electronic version) should include a curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation (which may be sent separately), and documentation of teaching effectiveness. Candidates should specify which position(s) they are applying for.


Send applications to: Prof. Hugh Elton, c/o Search Committee, Department of Ancient History and Classics, Champlain College, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada K9J 7B8. E-mail:; FAX (705) 748-1131.


Applications must be received by 4:00 p.m. EST on Monday, 3 March, 2008.


Trent University is an employment equity employer and especially invites applications from women, Aboriginal persons, visible minorities and persons with disabilities. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.


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[2] Calls for papers


From:  Roy Kok


Creative Destruction: Innovation in History 

The Department of Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies at the University of British Columbia is proud to present their 9th Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference. The Conference will be held at UBC's Thea Koerner House on May 9th and 10th, 2008, with a keynote address on Friday evening. This year's theme is Innovation in History.

 The purpose of the conference is to provide graduate students, and senior undergraduates, from a variety of disciplines, with the opportunity to present original research in a less formal and more intimate setting than may be found in typical academic conferences. In previous years we have attracted a number of emerging scholars from across North America in several faculties within the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences. We are confident that the nature of our topic for this year will do the same, and we look forward to the variety of perspectives that will be presented on this interesting and relevant subject matter.


Creative destruction is a term that originates in social sciences, and refers to innovations that dominate, subsume or radically alter the landscape into which they are introduced. This could be anything, from the Macedonian phalanx to Google. Innovation is a crucial historical mechanism of human achievement and social 'progression'. Most notably, innovation often stimulates dialogue and discourse, or conflict, upheaval and even revolution. Innovation is not necessarily progressive. It can impel opposition, revolt, conservatism, and even stagnation. Innovation can also subjugate, oppress and repel. Rarely in human history have innovations simply been accepted at face value by the societies which they have been introduced to. Therefore the notion of innovation embodies a vast spectrum of ideological, philosophical, technological and cross-cultural realities and possibilities.


We are currently accepting submissions for papers related to the general theme of Innovation. This broad topic crosscuts time and discipline, finding relevance in both the ancient and modern worlds, and in areas of the arts, social sciences, and sciences. Papers may address (but are certainly not limited to) innovation:


•within a discipline (in the theory and methodology of an academic discipline)

•in science and technology

•in literature or art

•in architecture and engineering

•in war and the military

•in philosophical or religious thought

•in genders, sexuality, or interpersonal relationships

•in economics, infrastructure, or social development


 If you are interested in presenting a paper at the conference, please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words by Friday March 21, 2008. Please include your name, institution, degree, specialization, and contact info, as well as any audio-visual equipment you may require. Presentations should be no more than 15-20 minutes in length. All faculties and disciplines are encouraged to apply.

Please send submissions and any further inquiries to:


We look forward to seeing you at the conference!


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[3] Conference Announcements


From: Steeve Bélanger


La Bible en récits IV
La mise en intrigue 

Colloque international du RRENAB

Université Laval, Québec
29 mai – 1er juin 2008

C’est un plaisir et un honneur d’accueillir à Québec, pour le 400e anniversaire de la ville, le quatrième Colloque d’analyse narrative de la Bible. Nos remerciements chaleureux vont à ceux qui ont décidé de préparer une contribution à cet évènement et nous souhaitons aussi la bienvenue à tous les auditeurs qui y assisteront, spécialistes ou non. Le thème retenu, l’intrigue dans les récits bibliques ou inspirés par la Bible, est prometteur. Il suscitera, nous en sommes certains, des discussions et échanges nombreux.

Dans le cadre du 400e anniversaire de la fondation de la ville de Québec, l’Université Laval a accepté officiellement d’être l’hôte officiel du « Colloque international du RRENAB qui aura lieu du 29 mai au 1er juin 2008 ». Une entente a été conclue entre le doyen de la Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses de l’Université Laval, Marcel Viau, et le secrétaire général de l’Université, Gilles Kirouac. La présidence du comité scientifique sera assurée par Anne Pasquier, assistée de Guy Bonneau et Alain Faucher pour l’Université Laval, ainsi que d’Alain Gignac (Université de Montréal) et Yvan Mathieu (Université St-Paul). Deux membres non québécois du RRENAB en feront également partie : André Wénin (Université de Louvain-la-Neuve), qui assure actuellement la présidence du RRENAB, et Daniel Marguerat (Université de Lausanne).

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[4] Scholarships


From: Jonathan Edmondson


The Desmond Conacher Scholarship



Call for applications — This scholarship is offered in memory of Desmond Conacher, formerly Professor of Classics at Trinity College, Toronto, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and Honorary President of the Classical Association of Canada. The scholarship has been endowed through donations from his family, friends, colleagues, and universities with which he was associated. Its purpose is to assist and encourage a young scholar entering graduate studies in classics. The scholarship is administered by the Classical Association of Canada through its Awards Committee. One award of $2,500 is offered each year.

Eligibility and criteria — Applicants must be Canadian students (citizens or permanent residents) intending to enter the first year of graduate studies in a classics or similar programme at a Canadian university. Specializations within the general area of classics such as ancient history, ancient philosophy, and classical archaeology are eligible. Applicants must be less than 28 years of age on January 1st of the year of application. The main criteria are academic achievement, professional promise, and an appropriate under-graduate preparation.

Application procedure — The following items should be sent, to arrive by MARCH 31st, to Professor Jonathan Edmondson, CAC Awards Committee Chair, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3:


• A completed application form (downloadable from
• A personal statement (maximum 500 words) describing the applicant’s previous academic career, employment experience, and academic and career objectives;
• A list of any academic awards and honours received at the postsecondary level;

• Transcripts recording the applicant’s undergraduate degree work (unofficial transcripts are acceptable if certified by the applicant’s department);
• Two letters of recommendation from university teachers familiar with the applicant’s work (sent separately by the writers or included with the application in envelopes sealed and countersigned by them).


Selection and award procedure — The Committee meets during the Association’s Annual Conference in May. Applicants will be informed of the results soon after this. The award will be paid in September subject to confirmation that the winner has registered in an appropriate graduate program. The committee may choose to reduce the amount of the award or make an honorary award if the total amount of this and other awards offered to the winner for the first twelve months of graduate study (including scholarships, fee remissions, teaching and research assistantships and the like) exceeds $20,000. In such cases an award may be made to a runner-up.

Further information — Questions should be addressed to the Awards Committee chair, Professor Jonathan Edmondson <>


Bourse Desmond Conacher

Note : La forme masculine a été employée pour alléger le texte.


Cette bourse est offerte en mémoire de Desmond Conacher, ancien Professeur d’études classiques à Trinity College, Toronto, Membre de la Société royale du Canada et Président honoraire de la Société canadienne d'études classiques. La Fondation a été constituée grâce aux généreux dons de la famille, des amis et des collègues de D. Conacher, ainsi que des universités auxquelles il était affilié. Ses objectifs sont d’encourager et de soutenir financièrement un jeune étudiant entreprenant des études supérieures en études classiques au Canada. La Fondation est administrée par la Société canadienne d'études classiques et son Comité de sélection. Une bourse de 2500 $ est attribuée chaque année.

Critères d’admissibilité. Les candidats doivent être des étudiants canadiens (citoyens ou résidents reçus) sur le point de commencer la première année d'un programme de deuxième cycle en études classiques (ou l’équivalent) dans une université canadienne. Les divers domaines de spécialisation propres aux études classiques et anciennes, tels que l’histoire ancienne, la philosophie ancienne et l’archéologie, sont admissibles. Les candidats doivent être âgés de moins de 28 ans au 1er janvier de l’année de la demande. Les principaux critères de sélection sont les réalisations académiques, les objectifs de carrière et les perspectives de succès, et le fait de posséder une formation de premier cycle pertinente.

Modalités de présentation. Les pièces suivantes devraient être acheminées au plus tard le 31 mars (à destination) à Jonathan Edmondson, CAC Awards Committee Chair, Department of History, York University, 4700 Keele St., Toronto ON, M3J 1P3:

Procédure de sélection et annonce des résultats. Le comité de sélection se réunit à l'occasion du Congrès annuel qui se tient en mai. Les candidats seront informés des résultats peu de temps après. La bourse sera versée en septembre, après confirmation que le récipiendaire a bien complété son inscription dans un programme d’études supérieures d'une université canadienne. Le Comité de sélection peut réduire le montant de la bourse ou peut décider d'un prix honorifique de remplacement si la somme de la bourse et des autres bourses cumulées par le récipiendaire (incluant tout type de bourse, exemption de frais de scolarité, contrats d'assistanat d'enseignement ou de recherche, ou toute forme de revenu de cet ordre) excède le montant de 20,000 $. Dans ce cas, une bourse pourra être accordée au second en lice.

Informations. Les demandes d’informations supplémentaires devront être adressées par écrit au Président du Comité de sélection, M. Jonathan Edmondson <>


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[5] Varia


From: Michele George


The new review editors of Phoenix, Michele George ( and Marie-Pierre Bussières (, would like to ask the CAC membership to let us know when a book by a Canadian scholar has been published, so that we can arrange for it to be reviewed in a timely fashion.  It might come as a surprise, but in fact many academic presses do not routinely send us books for review, although they will if we specifically ask for them.  This applies even to major presses (e.g., OUP, which we have to contact to order each book for review individually).  There will always be books that fall through the cracks or, more often, that are not reviewed due to tardiness on the part of the reviewer.  However, you can help us increase the chances that a Canadian-authored book will be reviewed in Phoenix by giving us full bibliographic details about a book that you have just published or that a colleague has just published (no earlier than 2007).  With this information we can look out for the book or order it directly from the publisher and commission a review.

Les responsables des comptes rendus pour la revue Phoenix, Michele George ( et Marie-Pierre Bussières (, sollicitent la collaboration de tous les membres de l’ACÉC afin qu’ils nous signalent la publication de livres par des auteurs canadiens et que nous puissions en rendre compte dans des délais raisonnables. Certains seront peut-être surpris d’apprendre que les éditeurs d’ouvrages universitaires ne nous font pas systématiquement parvenir toute publication pour compte rendu, même les grandes maisons telles que OUP, à qui nous avons pourtant demandé de nous mettre sur une liste d’envois systématiques. Mais ils le feront sur demande. Évidemment, quelques oublis resteront inévitables ou plutôt, certains comptes rendus ne paraîtront jamais à cause de la date tardive à laquelle nous les recevrons. Cependant, vous pouvez nous aider à faire mieux en nous fournissant l’adresse bibliographique complète des livres que vous ou vos collègues canadiens avez publiés et qui sont parus depuis 2007. Avec cette information en mains, nous pourrons commander le livre directement de l’éditeur et nous assurer d’en confier le compte rendu au plus tôt.


Next regular issue    2008 03 15

Send submissions to