Supplementary Issue  — Numéro spécial
21.04.1        2014–12–22        ISSN 1198-9149

Editor / rédacteur: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian)

webpage / page web

Newsletter of the Classical Association of Canada
Bulletin de la Société canadienne des Études classiques

President / président: Bonnie MacLachlan (Western University)
Secretary / secrétaire: Guy Chamberland (Université Laurentienne)
Treasurer / trésorière: Ingrid Holmberg (University of Victoria)

Contents / Sommaire

[1] Association and CCB Announcements / Annonces de la Société et du BCÉA
  • From the Editor / Du rédacteur
[2] Positions Available / Postes à combler
  • No announcements in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci
[3] Varia
  • UVic: 2015 Archaeological Fieldschool in Ancient Eleon, Greece

[1] Association & CCB Announcements / Annonces de la Société et du BCÉA

From the Editor / Du rédacteur

In preparing the December issue I inadvertantly left out the UVic announcement for their summer school in Greece; this is now posted below, in section [3]. May I remind you once more that very few undergraduates subscribe to the CCB? I urge you to let your students know about such opportunities, including those posted in that same December issue.

J'ignore si les universités francophones organisent aussi de telles écoles de terrain. Si tel est le cas, et si elles sont ouvertes aux étudiants d'autres universités, vous êtes encouragés à les annoncer dans le BCÉA.

J'aimerais aussi vous rappeller que la SCÉC est maintenant sur Twitter. Please follow this link.

[2] Positions Available / Postes à combler

No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci

[3] Varia


From Brendan Burke

The Department of Greek and Roman Studies is again offering a 3.0 unit summer course (equivalent to two semester-long courses) in conjunction with the Eastern Boeotia Archaeological Project: Excavations at ancient Eleon (Brendan Burke and Bryan Burns, co-directors).

Project Overview: This project investigates an unexplored settlement in central Greece dating primarily to the Mycenaean (ca. 1700-1150 BC) and Classical (6-4th c. BC) periods. The site is ancient Eleon which operated within the orbit of the major Greek city of Thebes.

Volunteer Program: Student volunteers will participate in all aspects of fieldwork, learning stratigraphic excavation techniques, recording methods, and artifact analysis. The program offers experiential learning and is physically strenuous. All student volunteers must be in good physical condition and able to participate in all aspects of the fieldwork. Upon acceptance to the program, participants can be enrolled in GRS 495 Archaeological Field Work (3.0 Units) for university credit from the University of Victoria. Non-UVic students can get transfer credit to their home institution. The course will include training sessions in field techniques, topical lectures, and optional field trips. It is possible to participate as a volunteer in the excavation without enrolling in GRS 495 for credit.

Fees: All participants, whether enrolled in GRS 495 or not, will be required to pay a $2400 program fee which will go toward room and board for six weeks. UVic tuition for GRS 495 is separate, as is transatlantic airfare.

Lodging: The excavation team lives in modest, shared apartments in the nearby town of Dilesi, which offers swimming in the Euboean Gulf, internet access, and public transportation to Athens, approximately 1 hour away.

Food: Lunch and dinners are provided by the project on all work days (Monday-Saturday noon).

Application available at:

Please contact Brendan Burke ( if you are interested or have any questions.

Next regular issue   2015–01–15 / Prochaine livraison régulière   2015–01–15

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Place the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading. Please send announcements in an editable format (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). Please provide a link to posters, flyers, &c.

Écrivez le mot SOUMISSION sur la ligne "sujet". Veuillez envoyer les annonces dans un format éditable (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). Veuillez insérer les liens à toutes affiches, circulaires, etc.