The Canadian Classical Bulletin — Le Bulletin canadien des Études anciennes
21.09        2015–07–19        ISSN 1198-9149

Editor / rédacteur: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian)

webpage / page web / Twitter

Newsletter of the Classical Association of Canada
Bulletin de la Société canadienne des Études classiques

President / présidente: Bonnie MacLachlan (University of Western Ontario)
Secretary / secrétaire: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian)
Treasurer / trésorière: Pauline Ripat (University of Winnipeg)

Contents / Sommaire

[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de la Société
  • Undergraduate Essay Contest / Concours de dissertations de premier cycle
  • Phoenix: two announcements / Phoenix: deux annonces
[2] CCB Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA
  • From the Editor / Du rédacteur
[3] Positions Available / Postes à combler
  • Winnipeg: tenure-track position
  • UVic: tenure-track position in Roman Art & Archaeology
  • Fribourg: deux postes
[4] Conferences & Lectures; Calls for Papers / Conférences; appels à communications
  • Winnipeg: Methodologies in Ancient Material Culture — registration open
  • Penn-Leiden Colloquia on Ancient Values IX
  • CIG: From Maple to Olive: A Colloquium to Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Canadian Institute in Greece
  • UChicago: Individual and Community in Urban Upheavals: Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor
[5] Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses et concours
  • No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci
[6] Summer Study, Field Schools, Special Programmes / Cours d'été et écoles de terrain, programmes spécialisés
  • No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci
[7] Varia (including members' new books / dont les nouveaux livres des membres)
  • No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci

[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de la Société


From the Editor / Du rédacteur

Instructors, please visit the Undergraduate Essay Contest page on the website:

and let your best students know about the contest. The deadline for submitting a paper is August 31st. Note that we have a new adjudicator: Dr. Liz Greene, Brock University (

Remember that UG students do not subscribe to the Bulletin, so we would be grateful if you forward the link to any student who has written a great paper in the Fall 2014 or Winter 2015 term.

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Professeurs, SVP visitez la page consacrée au Concours de dissertations de premier cycle sur le site de la SCÉC :

et partagez-la avec vos meilleurs étudiants. La date limite de soumission d'une dissertation est le 31 août. La nouvelle adjudicatrice du concours est la professeure Liz Greene de l'Université Brock (

N'oubliez pas que les étudiants de premier cycle ne souscrivent pas au Bulletin (sauf de rares exceptions). Nous vous serions donc reconnaissants de bien vouloir transmettre le lien à tout étudiant qui a écrit une excellente dissertation à la session d'automne 2014 ou d'hiver 2015.


From / De Michele George

~ I ~

The Mary White Prize for Best Article in Phoenix for 2014 is Dr. Lindsay Driediger-Murphy, University of Calgary, for her article “Theology as a Historiographic Tool in Dionysius of Halicarnassus” in Phoenix volume 68.3–4, 330–349.

Among a number of excellent articles Dr. Driediger-Murphy’s especially impressed the judges both with the technical finesse of the fine-grained analysis and the intellectual bravura of the panoramic conclusions. The article’s cogent argument for the coherence of Dionysius’ theological thought and the far-reaching implications of that argument, not only for our understanding of the distinctiveness of Dionysius’ historiographical method but also of the belief systems of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds, singled out Dr. Driediger-Murphy’s essay for special commendation.

Judges were drawn from the Editorial Board of Phoenix:

Dr. Robert Tordoff, York University (Committee Chair)
Dr. Leanne Bablitz, University of British Columbia
Dr. Luke Roman, Memorial University of Newfoundland

~ II ~

The latest issue of Phoenix is now available on-line and has been (or will soon) be delivered to those subscribers who still receive a hard copy. The Table of Contents can be viewed at this link:

If you are a member of the CAC, you can have free electronic access to the most recent issue of Phoenix via JSTOR. Please contact Managing Editor Judith Schutz, who can set up an account for you:

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~ I ~

Recommandation du troisième lauréat du Prix Mary White, annoncé en 2015, pour le meilleur article publié dans les numéros 68,1–4 (2014).

Dr Lindsay Driediger-Murphy, Université de Calgary, « Theology as a Historiographic Tool in Dionysius of Halicarnassus ».

Parmi les excellents articles publiés cette année, celui de Mme Driediger-Murphy s’est particulièrement distingué. Les membres du jury ont été impressionnés par les analyses minutieuses et la force des conclusions de l’auteure. L'article fait la démonstration de la cohérence théologique de Denys d’Halicarnasse. Les implications de cette démonstration sont importantes pour notre compréhension de la méthode historiographique de Denys d’Halicarnasse et des systèmes de croyance grecs et romains.

Les membres du jury, choisis parmi le comité de rédaction de Phoenix, étaient :

Dr. Robert Tordoff, York University (président du comité)
Dr. Leanne Bablitz, University of British Columbia
Dr. Luke Roman, Memorial University of Newfoundland

~ II ~

Le plus récent fascicule de Phoenix est maintenant disponible en ligne et a été (ou sera bientôt) expédié aux abonnés qui reçoivent toujours la copie papier. On peut consulter le sommaire en suivant ce lien :

Les membres de la Société ont accès gratuitement à la version électronique du fascicule via JSTOR. Pour créer un compte, veuillez contacter Mme Judith Schutz, rédactrice administrative :

[2] CCB Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA

From the Editor / Du rédacteur

Dear all, the next issue of the Bulletin will probably be sent to you in the last week of August, as I will be away until then. If, however, you have a time-sensitive announcement to distribute, such as a new position, let me know and I'll do my best to prepare a supplementary issue.

As usual at this time of year, I'd like to remind you to inform me of any change of email address and to update the information on your member's page on the CAC website!

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Chers lecteurs, la prochaine livraison du Bulletin aura sans doute lieu vers la fin d'août puisque je serai absent d'ici là. Si toutefois vous avez un message urgent à diffuser, tel une annonce de poste, je ferai tout en mon pouvoir pour préparer un numéro supplémentaire.

Avez-vous un nouvel emploi ou allez-vous entreprendre un nouveau programme d'études à l'automne ? Informez-moi de votre nouvelle adresse courriel et mettez à jour votre page de membre sur le site de la SCÉC !

[3] Positions Available / Postes à combler


From Pauline Ripat

The Department of Classics at the University of Winnipeg invites applications for a tenure track position at the rank of Assistant Professor, effective January 1, 2016, subject to budgetary approval. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience as stipulated by the university's collective agreement. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Classics or a related field, completed or nearing completion. We particularly encourage those with interests in Greek civilization, culture, history, literature, race and ethnicity, and/or society to apply. Applicants will be expected to teach widely in our department's curriculum, and should be willing to teach both Greek and Latin at all levels.

Applicants are requested to submit a letter of application, a CV including the names of three references, a brief statement of research interests, and (instead of a teaching dossier) a list of courses taught and courses that the applicant would be interested in teaching. In addition, three letters of reference should be sent to the department directly by the deadline for application. We will begin reviewing applications on August 15, 2015; the final deadline for receipt of applications is September 1, 2015.

Questions can be directed to Dr. Pauline Ripat (

Applications should be sent to:

    Dr. Pauline Ripat, Chair
    Department of Classics
    University of Winnipeg
    515 Portage Avenue
    Winnipeg, MB
    Canada R3B 2E9

The University of Winnipeg is committed to employment equity, welcomes diversity in the workplace, and encourages applications from all qualified individuals including women, members of racialized communities, indigenous persons, persons with disabilities and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is initially directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.


From Sonja Bermingham

The Department of Greek and Roman Studies invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor appointment in Roman Art and Archaeology. Applicants should hold a PhD and be demonstrably active in fieldwork. Ideal candidates will have begun publishing and will have a demonstrable research and publication plan. The successful applicant should be able to offer a broad range of courses in Roman Art and Archaeology, to introduce innovative courses related to her/his research areas, and to teach Roman Art and Archaeology at all levels of the undergraduate and graduate curriculum. In addition, the successful candidate should be able to supervise MA and PhD students concentrating on Roman Art and Archaeology and to participate in other relevant components of our Graduate program. The Department is particularly looking for an individual who is able to teach international field schools involving study-travel and to organize student-integrated field research. The successful applicant will provide evidence of an excellent teaching record that ideally will include some experience with Greek archaeology and culture and Latin language at the undergraduate level.

The potential to serve as an effective role model and mentor to our undergraduate and graduate populations will be an asset.

The appointment will commence on July 1, 2016.

The University of Victoria is an equity employer and encourages applications from women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, Aboriginal Peoples, people of all sexual orientations, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of the University. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Please send by email a letter of application, curriculum vitae, a writing sample no longer than 30 pages, and a brief teaching dossier to the Chair ( In addition, please send three confidential letters of reference addressing research and teaching strengths.

For full consideration, all materials should be submitted by November 15, 2015 to:

    Chair, Department of Greek and Roman Studies
    P.O. Box 1700, STN CSC
    University of Victoria
    Victoria, BC V8W2Y2 Canada
    Telephone: 250 721 8514
    Fax: 250 721 8516


From Pierre Bonnechere / Siegfried Weichlein


La Faculté des lettres de l'Université de Fribourg met au concours un poste de Professeur-e ordinaire en histoire de l'Antiquité (100%)

Le ou la candidat-e est titulaire d'un doctorat et d'une habilitation ou de qualifications jugées équivalentes. Il ou elle est francophone ; la connaissance active de l'allemand est souhaitée. Il ou elle possède les compétences scientifiques requises pour enseigner, au niveau universitaire (programmes d'études Bachelor et Master), l'histoire grecque et romaine. De solides connaissances dans les deux langues classiques sont exigées, ainsi que des compétences dans les disciplines connexes (entre autres épigraphie). Le ou la candidat-e possède une expérience adéquate dans l'enseignement, dans la conception et la gestion de projets de recherche, ainsi qu'un solide dossier de publications pertinentes et un réseau d'échanges académiques et scientifiques.

Le ou la candidat-e sera un chercheur de haut niveau qui présente un profil scientifique de spécialisation marquant en histoire grecque ou en histoire romaine tout en se montrant capable d'enseigner dans les deux champs. Une expérience de collaboration – pour l'enseignement et pour la recherche – avec d'autres disciplines des sciences de l'Antiquité et d'autres domaines des Lettres et Sciences humaines est vivement souhaitée. Il ou elle sera amené-e à collaborer activement avec l'Institut du monde antique et byzantin de l'Université de Fribourg. Il ou elle participera également au programme doctoral de la CUSO pour les sciences de l'Antiquité.

Le ou la titulaire du poste sera responsable de la définition et de l'organisation des programmes d'études au sein du domaine. Il ou elle contribuera à des formations post-grade et encadrera des travaux de recherche à tous les niveaux (travaux de Bachelor, mémoires de Master, thèses de Doctorat). Il ou elle devra également participer à la gestion et à l'administration, à différents niveaux, au sein de la Faculté des lettres.

Langues d'enseignement: français.

Entrée en fonction: 1.2.2016 ou à convenir.

L'Université de Fribourg promeut la relève féminine dans la carrière scientifique et encourage les femmes à faire acte de candidature.

Les dossiers de candidature, munis des documents usuels (lettre de motivation, curriculum vitae, copies des titres, liste des publications et des enseignements, liste des projets de recherches terminés ou en cours) ainsi que de cinq publications majeures sont à adresser jusqu'au 15 septembre 2015, sous forme électronique uniquement, à

Renseignements supplémentaires : Prof. Michele Bacci, Président du département des sciences historiques,


Die Philosophische Fakultät der Universität Freiburg schreibt folgende Stelle aus: Assoziierte Professur für alte Geschichte (100%)

Die zukünftige Stelleninhaberin oder der zukünftige Stelleninhaber ist promoviert und habilitiert (bzw. im Besitz einer mit der Habilitation vergleichbaren Qualifikation). Sie oder er ist deutschsprachig. Die aktive Beherrschung der französischen Sprache ist erwünscht. Sie oder er unterrichtet die griechische und römische Geschichte im Rahmen der Bachelor- und Master-Studiengänge in ganzer Breite. Erwartet werden vertiefte Kenntnisse der beiden klassischen Sprachen sowie Lehr- und Forschungskompetenzen in den Historischen Hilfswissenschaften (unter anderem der Epigraphik). Die Bewerberin oder der Bewerber zeichnet sich durch Erfahrungen in Lehre und Forschung aus. Sie oder er kann auf eine einschlägige Publikationstätigkeit verweisen und ist in die internationale Forschung eingebunden.

Ausgewiesene Forschungsleistungen mit einem Schwerpunkt in der griechischen oder der römischen Geschichte werden erwartet, ebenso wie ein breites Spektrum von Themen in den Lehrveranstaltungen. Erfahrungen in der Kooperation mit anderen altertumswissen-schaftlichen Disziplinen und Nachbarfächern der Humanwissenschaften sind erwünscht. Sie oder er ist bereit, als aktives Mitglied des Instituts für Antike und Byzanz der Universität Freiburg zu wirken, und wird sich am Graduiertenprogramm der CUSO beteiligen. Sie oder er ist an der Postgraduierten-Ausbildung beteiligt und betreut akademische Arbeiten auf allen Ebenen (Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten sowie Dissertationen). Die Wahrnehmung von Aufgaben in der akademischen Selbstverwaltung wird erwartet.

Unterrichtssprachen: Deutsch.

Stellenantritt: 1.2.2016 oder nach Vereinbarung.

Die Universität strebt die Erhöhung des Frauenanteils an. Qualifizierte Frauen werden daher ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung aufgefordert.

Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen (Motivationsschreiben, Lebenslauf, Urkunden über akademische Prüfungen, Schriften-verzeichnis, Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen, Verzeichnis der Forschungsprojekte, Lehrevaluationen) sind bis zum 15. September 2015 ausschließlich in elektronischer Form an die Adresse zu senden.

Zusätzliche Informationen können beim Präsidenten des Departements für Historische Wissenschaften, Prof. Dr. Michele Bacci, eingeholt werden.

[4] Conferences & Lectures; Calls for Papers / Conférences; appels à communications


From Allison Surtees

Registration is now open for the upcoming conference Methodologies in Ancient Material Culture, University of Winnipeg, Oct. 2–4, 2015. Please note that the registration deadline is September 1st, 2015. Information including registration and a preliminary program can be found on the conference website:

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Allison Surtees ( or Dr. Kate Cooper (


From Cynthia Damon

The Penn-Leiden Colloquia on Ancient Values were established as a biennial venue in which scholars could investigate the diverse aspects of Greek and Roman values. Each colloquium focuses on a single theme, which participants explore from a diversity of perspectives and disciplines. A collection of papers from the first colloquium, held at Leiden in 2000, was published in 2003 under the title ‘Andreia’— Manliness and Courage in Classical Antiquity. This was followed by Free Speech in Classical Antiquity, (2005), City, Countryside, and the Spatial Organization of Value in Classical Antiquity (2006), KAKOS: Badness and Anti-Values in Classical Antiquity (2008), Valuing Others in Classical Antiquity (2010), Aesthetic Value in Classical Antiquity (2012, all edd. Ralph Rosen and Ineke Sluiter), Valuing the Past in the Greco-Roman World (2014, edd. James Ker and Christoph Pieper), and Landscapes of Value (in preparation, edd. Jeremy McInerney and Ineke Sluiter).

The topic of the ninth colloquium, to be held at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands, June 16–18, 2016, will be:

Eris vs. Aemulatio: Competition in Classical Antiquity

Competition is everywhere these days. Resources and jobs are scarce, and the huge developments in communication techniques of the last decades have enlarged the domain of competition and encouraged incessant comparison of oneself with others. With what benefits, and at what price? The two-sided nature of competition attracted notice already in antiquity. Hesiod reflected on the both the positive and negative effects of competition in human society, mentioning some of the wide variety of endeavors in which competition, or "Strife," as he names it, manifested itself: in warfare and politics, to be sure, but also in the pursuit of livelihoods, professional skills, and artistry (Works and Days 11-32). Competition took many forms: rulers competed with their peers and with historical and mythological predecessors; artists of all kinds emulated generic models and past masterpieces; philosophers and their schools vied with one another to give the best interpretation of the world; athletes and performers strove for victory in front of huge crowds at Olympia and elsewhere. Discord and conflict resulted, but so did innovation, social cohesion, and political stability. In Hesiod's view Eris was not one entity but two, the one a “grievous goddess,” the other and “aid to men.”

Our conference aims not so much to collect individual case studies of competitive endeavors as to examine broader questions about the functioning and effect of competition in ancient society, in both its productive and destructive aspects. We especially invite papers that address examples of ancient (explicit or implicit) reflection on the value of competition (and on the danger of overdoing it), or that deal with structures or institutions that helped to manage it.

For the ninth Penn-Leiden colloquium, we invite abstracts for papers (25 minutes) that address the evaluative discourse on competition along these lines. We hope to bring together researchers in all areas of classical studies, including literature, philosophy, linguistics, history, and visual and material culture, and hope to discover the significant points of intersection and difference between these areas of focus.

Selected papers will be considered for publication by Brill Publishers (Mnemosyne Supplements). Those interested in presenting a paper are requested to submit an abstract of max. 300 words plus a selective bibliography, by email (preferable) or regular mail, by September 30th 2015. Notification of acceptance can be expected by the end of October 2015.

The organizers will probably not be able to recompense travel expenses. We hope, but cannot promise to be able to offer some assistance for accommodation.

Contact (please copy both with email correspondence):

Prof. Cynthia Damon
Department of Classical Studies
University of Pennsylvania
201 Cohen Hall
Philadelphia PA 19104-6304 USA
Phone: +1 (413) 687-8145

Dr. Christoph Pieper
Classics Department
Leiden University
Huizinga Building
P.O.Box 9515
2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (71) 527 2673

A Colloquium to Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Canadian Institute in Greece
Athens, 10–11 June 2016

From David Rupp

In honour of the 40th anniversary of the official recognition of the Canadian Institute in Greece (formerly the Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens) by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture in 1976, the Institute is organizing a two-day Colloquium for June 10 and 11, 2016. We are seeking to highlight the significant archaeological discoveries made by Canadian projects working in Greece and the many important contributions from Canada-based researchers in the study of Greece’s rich cultural heritages.

Areas of primary interest for the papers:

  • Topics and studies relating to the archaeological fieldwork conducted under the aegis of the Canadian Archaeological Institute in Athens / Canadian Institute in Greece with permits from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture;
  • Research achievements resulting from study permits conducted under the aegis of the Canadian Archaeological Institute in Athens / Canadian Institute in Greece and issued by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture;

Other potential areas of interest for the papers include:

  • Topics and studies relating to Greek archaeology and architecture, sculpture, epigraphy, Aegean basin ceramics, numismatics, Byzantine studies and Post-Byzantine studies by scholars based at Canadian universities;
  • Studies relating to the life and professional work of Canadian archaeologists, classicists and/or travelers who were pioneers in Canada in the study of Greek culture in its broadest sense;
  • Studies relating to the founding and to the early years of the Canadian Archaeological Institute in Athens;

Submitted papers will be published in the Publications of the Canadian Institute in Greece series.

The Colloquium will be held in Athens over two days. The first session will be held on the Friday afternoon, followed by a key note paper. On Saturday there will be sessions in the morning and afternoon. The maximum length of the papers is 20 minutes. The languages of the Colloquium are English, French and Greek.

The Institute will be seeking donations towards the costs of the Colloquium and the publication of the papers.


Request for Consideration for Inclusion on the CIG 40th Anniversary Colloquium Program



Academic Affiliation:

Mailing Address:

Email address:


Proposed Paper title/topic:





I am / am not interested in making a charitable donation to the Institute to support the Colloquium and the publication of the papers.

Please send to the Institute this completed form or email it as an attachment to the Institute’s Assistant Director, Dr. Jonathan Tomlinson (, no later than 30 September 2015.


From Kate Agnew

Contributions are invited for a two-day conference exploring the responses of both individuals and larger social formations to drastic changes in their urban communities, to be held at the University of Chicago on the 20th–21st of November, 2015. The deadline for submissions is July 20, 2015.

With this meeting, we hope to hold a focused discussion centered on two specific questions: how do individuals and their social formations dynamically interact with urban communities in periods of drastic change? What do the particular instances of Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor offer to broader theoretical approaches to ancient urban communities and their individual inhabitants?

These questions address the particular issues at stake in periods of expansion, unusual threat, or imminent destruction of cities. Times of jarring change are particularly well-documented in the populous communities of Asia Minor during the upheavals of the Hellenistic kingdoms and the advent of Roman rule. Cities came under threat of destruction by Galatian invaders or rebellions against Roman incursion, were encouraged or forced to combine through synoecism, and expanded into some of the largest urban centers of the ancient world. In all of these situations, both individuals and social communities were forced to respond to the potential outcomes of drastic change. We believe that a close examination of various cases and situations in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor will reveal new insights into the experiences of individuals, methods of community decision-making, and the subjective and intersubjective worlds of ancient cities at their various sites of intersection.

Confirmed speakers include Ryan Boehm (Tulane), Alain Bresson (Chicago), and Tim Whitmarsh (Cambridge).

We welcome abstracts for 30-minute papers exploring responses to urban instability in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor, and are equally interested in papers that take more traditional historical or literary approaches and those that utilize the methodologies and theoretical tools of other disciplines. The conference will be opened and closed by panel discussions among the participants and each paper will be followed by substantial time for discussion; papers should ideally be envisioned not only as studies of particular cases in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor, but as contributions to a broader conversation on ancient urban society and its subjectivities.

Please email an abstract of no more than 300 words to by 5pm US CST on Monday, July 20; any questions about the conference or abstracts should be addressed to Kate Laurel Agnew ( and Paul Vădan ( Partial bursaries will be made available to participants.

This conference has been made possible partly through the generosity of the Franke Institute for the Humanities at the University of Chicago.

[5] Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses et concours

No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci

[6] Summer Study, Field Schools, Special Programmes /
Cours d'été, écoles de terrain, programmes spécialisés

No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci

[7] Varia (including members' new books / dont les nouveaux livres des membres)

No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci

Next regular issue   2015–08–25 or thereabout / Prochaine livraison régulière   vers le 2015–08–25

Send submissions to
Pour nous faire parvenir vos soumissions:

Place the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading. Please send announcements in an editable format (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). The editor typically does not allow attachments; provide a link to posters, flyers, &c.

Écrivez le mot SOUMISSION sur la ligne "sujet". Veuillez envoyer les annonces dans un format éditable (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). En général le rédacteur ne permet pas les pièces jointes; insérez les liens à toutes affiches, circulaires, etc.