Supplementary Issue — Numéro spécial
22.01.1        2015–09–20        ISSN 1198-9149

Editor / rédacteur: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian)

webpage / page web

Newsletter of the Classical Association of Canada
Bulletin de la Société canadienne des Études classiques

President / présidente: Bonnie MacLachlan (Western University)
Secretary / secrétaire: Guy Chamberland (Université Laurentienne)
Treasurer / trésorière: Pauline Ripat (University of Winnipeg)

Contents / Sommaire

[1] Association and CCB Announcements / Annonces de la Société et du BCÉA
  • John Geyssen Subsidy for Lecture Tours / Fonds John-Geyssen pour les Tours de conférences
  • Lauréat du Prix pour la meilleure thèse de doctorat / Winner of the Prize for Best PhD Dissertation
[2] Positions Available / Postes à combler
  • McGill: Tenure-track position in Classical Archaeology
  • UVic: Tenure-track position in Roman Art & Archaeology
  • ASCSA: Elizabeth A. Whitehead Visiting Professors
[3] Varia
  • Vice Verba for digital devices / Vice Verba pour les appareils électroniques
  • CIG: CFP – From Maple to Olive
  • A new book
  • ASCSA: NEH Fellowships

[1] Association & CCB Announcements / Annonces de la Société et du BCÉA


From Pauline Ripat

The Classical Association of Canada has established a fund to provide assistance for institutions which are hosting speakers on the three CAC lecture tours (Western Tour, Central Tour, and Atlantic Tour).

At this time, the CAC solicits applications for funds to support the 2015/16 tours. Please fill out the following brief application and submit the completed form by October 31, 2015 to Pauline Ripat, Treasurer, Classical Association of Canada (

Name of Hosting Department/Program and Institution:

Contact, including e-mail and telephone number:

Tour (Western, Central, Atlantic) and dates of visit:

Size of department/program (small, medium, large, by faculty):

Availability of other sources of funding:

Particular circumstances requiring assistance (cuts to funding; unexpected financial issues):

How many other external lecturers does the department/program typically host per year:

Historical attendance at the CAC lecture tour lectures (approximate; interest from other departments):

How many lectures is the lecturer presenting?

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La Société canadienne des Études classiques a institué un fonds pour offrir un soutien financier aux départements ou programmes qui reçoivent un orateur invité dans le cadre de l'un des trois tours de conférences (Tour de l'Ouest, Tour du Centre, Tour Atlantique).

Il est temps de soumettre la candidature de votre département ou programme pour obtenir un soutien financier pour les tours de l'année académique 2015/16. Veuillez s'il vous plaît remplir le bref formulaire ci-dessous et le soumettre au plus tard le 31 octobre à Pauline Ripat, Trésorière, Société canadienne des Études classiques (

Nom du département/programme et Institution :

Personne contact (avec numéro de téléphone et courriel) :

Tour visé (Ouest, Centre, Atlantique) et dates de la visite du conférencier :

Taille du département/programme (petit, moyen, grand, en fonction du nombre de professeurs)

Autres sources de financement envisagées :

Circonstances particulières qui justifient le soutien financier demandé (coupes budgétaires, dépenses inattendues, ...)

Nombre de conférenciers visiteurs reçus par le Département/programme chaque année :

Achalandage habituel des conférences passées dans le cadre des Tours de conférences (nombres approximatifs, intérêt d'autres départements, ...)
Combien de conférences effectue le conférencier visiteur?


De Patrick Baker

Au nom du Comité de sélection du Prix de la meilleure thèse de doctorat de la SCÉC, il me fait plaisir d'annoncer aux membres de la Société le deuxième lauréat de ce Prix : M. Robert McCutcheon, pour sa thèse soutenue en 2013 « An Archaeology of Cicero's Letters : A Study of Late Republican Textual Culture » et effectuée sous la direction du Professeur Eric Gunderson de l'Université de Toronto.

Les membres du comité ont unanimement apprécié le sujet novateur et intéressant de cette thèse qui offre une compréhension nouvelle du genre épistolaire au sein de l'aristocratie romaine. Ce faisant, la thèse jette également un regard nouveau sur cette classe sociale. La thèse est conçue avec élégance, écrite avec conviction et très savante : un superbe travail faisant montre d'une sophistication intellectuelle impresionnante.

Les membres du comité tiennent en outre à accorder la Mention Honorable à  M. Peter Miller pour sa thèse « Athletes in Song and Stone : Victory and Identity in Epinician and Epigram » effectuée sous la direction du Professeur Christopher G. Brown de l'Université Western Ontario.

Je souhaite exprimer tout ma reconnaissance aux membres du Comité de sélection pour leur professionalisme : Brad Levett (MUN), en tant que membre du Conseil et pour la deuxième fois; Susanna Braund (UBC), Judith Fletcher (Wilfrid Laurier), Helena Fracchia (Alberta), membres de la Société.

Le comité de sélection avait reçu cette année quatre excellentes soumissions pour cette deuxième édition du Prix et l'on peut dire que la décision fut difficile. C'est un plaisir sans cesse renouvelé de voir des travaux de recherche si stimulants émanant de la relève canadienne en études classiques. J'encourage tous les départements du Canada qui offrent le programme de doctorat en études classiques de soumettre la candidature de leurs meilleurs étudiants dans deux ans, à l'occasion de la troisième édition du Prix.

Patrick Baker
Président sortant, Société canadienne des études classiques 2014–2016

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On behalf of the Adjudication Committee for the CAC Prize for Best PhD Dissertation, I would like to congratulate the second winner of the Prize, Dr. Robert McCutcheon, for his 2013 thesis "An Archaeology of Cicero's Letters: A Study of Late Republican Textual Culture", supervised by Professor Eric Gunderson of the University of Toronto.

The committee members agreed that the topic of this thesis was novel and interesting, giving genuinely new insight into how letters worked among the Roman aristocracy. By doing so, it also threw further light on this social class more generally. The thesis is elegantly conceived, wittily written, and very learned: a fantastic piece of work displaying an impressive intellectual sophistication.

Honorable Mention goes to Dr. Peter Miller for his thesis "Athletes in Song and Stone: Victory and Identity in Epinician and Epigram," supervised by Professor Christopher G. Brown of the University of Western Ontario.

I am very grateful to the members of the Adjudication Committee for their professionalism and collegiality: Brad Levett (MUN), Council Member sitting for the second time on this Committee; Susanna Braund (UBC), Judith Fletcher (Wilfrid Laurier), and Helena Fracchia (Alberta), members-at-large of the Association.

The Adjudication Committee received four strong applications for this second edition of the Prize, and the decision was a difficult one. It is a pleasure to see such stimulating graduate research in Classics across the country and so many promising graduate students in our profession. I encourage PhD-granting Departments across the country to put forward their best student again in two years' time, when the competition will run again.

Respectfully submitted,
Patrick Baker
Past President, Classical Association of Canada 2014–2016

[2] Positions Available / Postes à combler


From Hans Beck

The Department of History and Classical Studies of McGill University invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of assistant professor in Classical Archaeology, effective 1 August 2016. The successful applicant is expected to hold a Ph.D. at time of appointment, to show promise of excellence in teaching and to have an innovative research portfolio. An active field research program is desirable. The successful applicant can expect to teach and develop courses in Archaeology, Ancient History, and Classics. The ability to teach ancient Greek and/or Latin is essential.

Applications should be submitted electronically, including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, one-page teaching statement, and three letters of reference uploaded by the referees, at Enquiries may be directed to The deadline for applications is 1 November 2015.

McGill University is committed to diversity and equity in employment. It welcomes applications from: women, aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity, visible minorities, and others who may contribute to diversification. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. McGill University is an English language institution, but a working knowledge of French is an asset.

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Le Département d'histoire et d'études classiques de l'Université McGill sollicite des candidatures pour un poste de professeur(e) adjoint(e) (assistant professor) en archéologie classique. Le mandat du ou de la titulaire de ce poste conduisant à la permanence débutera le 1er août 2016. Le/La candidat(e) retenu(e) devra être en possession d'un titre doctoral au moment de sa prise de fonction. Il/Elle devra démontrer un potentiel d'excellence dans le domaine de l'enseignement et disposer d'un programme de recherche dynamique et novateur. Etre en possession d'un programme de recherche sur le terrain est souhaitable. Le/La candidat(e) retenu(e) doit s'attendre à enseigner et à développer des cours en archéologie, en histoire ancienne et en lettres classiques. La capacité d'enseigner le Grec ancien et/ou le Latin est essentielle.

Les candidat(e)s doivent soumettre un dossier de candidature par voie électronique à l'adresse suivante Il sera composé d'une lettre d'accompagnement, d'un curriculum-vitae, d'un exposé d'une page décrivant leur philosophie d'enseignement et de trois lettres de référence soumises directement par les référents. Prière de faire parvenir toute demande de renseignements sur ce poste à l'adresse suivante : La date limite des candidatures est fixée au 1er novembre 2015.

L'Université McGill souscrit à la diversité et l'équité en matière d'emploi. Elle accueille favorablement les demandes d'emploi des femmes, des peuples autochtones, des minorités ethniques, des personnes handicapées, des personnes de toute orientation et identité sexuelle, des minorités visibles, et d'autres personnes qui pourraient contribuer à une plus grande diversité. Tou(te)s les candidat(e)s qualifié(e)s sont invité(e)s à poser leur candidature. Veuillez noter que conformément aux exigences de l'immigration canadienne, la priorité sera toutefois accordée aux Canadiens ainsi qu'aux résidents permanents.


From Sonja Bermingham

The Department of Greek and Roman Studies invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor appointment in Roman Art and Archaeology. Applicants should hold a PhD and be demonstrably active in fieldwork. Ideal candidates will have begun publishing and will have a demonstrable research and publication plan. The successful applicant should be able to offer a broad range of courses in Roman Art and Archaeology, to introduce innovative courses related to her/his research areas, and to teach Roman Art and Archaeology at all levels of the undergraduate and graduate curriculum. In addition, the successful candidate should be able to supervise MA and PhD students concentrating on Roman Art and Archaeology and to participate in other relevant components of our Graduate program. The Department is particularly looking for an individual who is able to teach international field schools involving study-travel and to organize student-integrated field research. The successful applicant will provide evidence of an excellent teaching record that ideally will include some experience with Greek archaeology and culture and Latin language at the undergraduate level.

The potential to serve as an effective role model and mentor to our undergraduate and graduate populations will be an asset.

The appointment will commence on July 1, 2016.

The University of Victoria is an equity employer and encourages applications from women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, Aboriginal Peoples, people of all sexual orientations, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of the University. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Please send by email a letter of application, curriculum vitae, a writing sample no longer than 30 pages, and a brief teaching dossier to the Chair ( In addition, please send three confidential letters of reference addressing research and teaching strengths.

For full consideration, all materials should be submitted by November 15, 2015 to:

Chair, Department of Greek and Roman Studies
P.O. Box 1700, STN CSC
University of Victoria
Victoria, BC, V8W 2Y2, Canada
Telephone: 250 721 8514
Fax: 250 721 8516


From Mary Darlington

Deadline: October 31

Term: Early September to June 1.

Eligibility: A senior scholar with a significant record of publication and teaching in a North American institution and a member of the Managing Committee or faculty/staff from a Cooperating Institution. Preference will be given to those who have not received recent support from the School. Candidates who have held the Whitehead Professorship may apply if the previous term was at least five years prior.

Project: Advancing research on a project, which utilizes the facilities of the School and enriches the academic program of the School. Whitehead Professors are encouraged to present a seminar during the winter term (late November to late March) on the subject of their expertise and to contribute to the academic program in other significant ways, such as mentoring or advising students at the School and participating in School trips and excursions.

Compensation: Stipend of $35,000, plus round-trip coach airfare to Athens, board at Loring Hall for the Whitehead Professor (one-half senior rate for spouse, and one-half student rate for dependents) and School housing. Hotel and transportation on all fall trips and transportation on all winter Attica excursions.

Application is submitted online, link to:

·  Curriculum vitae including list of publications.
·  Statement of current and projected research.
·  One page description of proposed seminar and other contributions to the academic program.
·  Account of the frequency and length of earlier visits to Greece.
·  Three letters of recommendation to be sent directly to the address below or via email to
·  Applicants may be invited to an interview at the annual AIA/SCS meetings or by telephone.

Committee on Personnel
American School of Classical Studies at Athens
6-8 Charlton Street
Princeton, NJ 08540-5232

The appointments will be announced by January 15.

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation,
color, religion, ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment

[3] Varia


From Pauline Ripat and Christina Vester

Vice Verba is a free game for digital devices that helps students of Latin master verb forms. Players parse verbs and produce forms to earn togas. When enough togas are collected, an imago of a famous dead Roman is unlocked. Collect all XII imagines, and don't forget to flip the imagines over to see their stats! Players can customize the game by choosing tenses, voices, and moods, and the presence or absence of macrons. The game increases in difficulty as the player's skills improve.

iPhone and iPad:


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Vice Verba est un jeu gratuit pour les dispositifs numériques qui aide les élèves étudiant le latin à maîtriser les formes verbales. Les joueurs analysent les verbes et produisent les formes verbales pour gagner des toges. Une fois qu'ils ont collectionné suffisamment de toges, une imago d'un Romain célèbre est dévoilée. Collectionnez les XII imagines et n'oubliez pas de les retourner pour voir leurs stats ! Les joueurs peuvent personnaliser le jeu en choisissant le temps, la voix, et le mode du verbe, ainsi que l'inclusion ou non des macrons.

iPhone et iPad:


A Colloquium to Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Canadian Institute in Greece
Athens, 10–11 June 2016

From David Rupp

In honour of the 40th anniversary of the official recognition of the Canadian Institute in Greece (formerly the Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens) by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture in 1976, the Institute is organizing a two-day Colloquium for June 10 and 11, 2016. We are seeking to highlight the significant archaeological discoveries made by Canadian projects working in Greece and the many important contributions from Canada-based researchers in the study of Greece'Ss rich cultural heritages.

Areas of primary interest for the papers:

  • Topics and studies relating to the archaeological fieldwork conducted under the aegis of the Canadian Archaeological Institute in Athens / Canadian Institute in Greece with permits from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture;
  • Research achievements resulting from study permits conducted under the aegis of the Canadian Archaeological Institute in Athens / Canadian Institute in Greece and issued by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture;

Other potential areas of interest for the papers include:

  • Topics and studies relating to Greek archaeology and architecture, sculpture, epigraphy, Aegean basin ceramics, numismatics, Byzantine studies and Post-Byzantine studies by scholars based at Canadian universities;
  • Studies relating to the life and professional work of Canadian archaeologists, classicists and/or travelers who were pioneers in Canada in the study of Greek culture in its broadest sense;
  • Studies relating to the founding and to the early years of the Canadian Archaeological Institute in Athens;

Submitted papers will be published in the Publications of the Canadian Institute in Greece series.

The Colloquium will be held in Athens over two days. The first session will be held on the Friday afternoon, followed by a key note paper. On Saturday there will be sessions in the morning and afternoon. The maximum length of the papers is 20 minutes. The languages of the Colloquium are English, French and Greek.

The Institute will be seeking donations towards the costs of the Colloquium and the publication of the papers.


Request for Consideration for Inclusion on the CIG 40th Anniversary Colloquium Program



Academic Affiliation:

Mailing Address:

Email address:


Proposed Paper title/topic:





I am / am not interested in making a charitable donation to the Institute to support the Colloquium and the publication of the papers.

Please send to the Institute this completed form or email it as an attachment to the Institute’s Assistant Director, Dr. Jonathan Tomlinson (, no later than 30 September 2015.


From the Editor

This new book should have been included in the regular September issue. Another new book will be announced in the October issue. In the meantime, do send me notices of your or any colleague's new book as long as s/he is a member of the Association.

Scot McKendrick, David Parker, Amy Myshrall and Cillian O'Hogan. Codex Sinaiticus. New Perspectives on the Ancient Biblical Manuscript. Bloomsbury Academic. 2015. ISBN 9781780936130

deadline: October 31

From Mary Darlington

Founded in 1881, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) is the most significant resource in Greece for American scholars in the fields of Greek language, literature, history, archaeology, philosophy, and art, from pre-Hellenic times to the present. It offers two major research libraries: the Blegen, with over 100,000 volumes dedicated to the ancient Mediterranean world; and the Gennadius, with over 125,000 volumes and archives devoted to post-classical Hellenic civilization and, more broadly, the Balkans and the eastern Mediterranean. The School also sponsors excavations and provides centers for advanced research in archaeological and related topics at its excavations in the Athenian Agora and Corinth, and it houses an archaeological laboratory at the main building complex in Athens. By agreement with the Greek government, the ASCSA is authorized to serve as liaison with the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Tourism on behalf of American students and scholars for the acquisition of permits to conduct archaeological work and to study museum collections.

Since its inception in 1994, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Fellowship program at the ASCSA has demonstrated its effectiveness by supporting projects for 47 scholars with distinguished research and teaching careers in the humanities.

Eligibility: Postdoctoral scholars and professionals in relevant fields including architecture or art who are US citizens or foreign nationals who have lived in the US for the three years immediately preceding the application deadline. Applicants must already hold their Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree at the time of application. The ASCSA encourages younger scholars to apply.

Terms: Two to four fellowships, either five or ten months in duration. Stipend for a five-month project, $21,000; for a ten-month project, $42,000. Term must coincide with American School's academic year, September to June. School fees are waived, and the award provides lunches at Loring Hall five days per week. The NEH Fellow will pay for travel costs, housing, partial board, residence permit, and other living expenses from the stipend. A final report is due at the end of the award period, and the ASCSA expects that copies of all publications that result from research conducted as a Fellow of the ASCSA be contributed to the relevant library of the School. The NEH Fellow is required to send one copy of all books and electronic copies of articles to the NEH.

NEH Fellows will be expected to reside primarily at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (though research may be carried out elsewhere in Greece), contribute to and enhance the scholarly dialogue, as well as contribute to and expand scholarly horizons at the School.

Application: Submit Senior Associate Membership application with fellowship online on the ASCSA web site by October 31. Link to:

The following items should be attached to the Associate Member application submitted online on the ASCSA web site:

  1. Short abstract of the project (up to 300 words).
  2. A statement of the project (up to five pages), including desired number of months in Greece, a timetable, explicit goals, a selected bibliography, the importance of the work, the methodologies involved, where applicable, and the reasons it should occur at the ASCSA.
  3. Current curriculum vitae, including a list of publications. If not a US citizen, stateUS visa status /date of residence.
  4. Three letters of reference from individuals familiar with applicant's work and field of interest. These letters should comment on the feasibility of the project and the applicant's ability to carry it out successfully. Include a list of names, positions, and addresses of the referees. Instruct recommenders to submit letters to by November 4.

The following criteria will be used by the Selection Committee when considering applications:

  1. Are the objectives and approaches clearly stated and coherent?
  2. Will the project result in an important and original contribution?
  3. Are the research perspectives and methodologies appropriate?
  4. Is the projected timetable reasonable for the tenure of the fellowship?
  5. What resources are necessary? Does the ASCSA provide resources that are not available at the home institution?
  6. Will residence in Greece contribute substantially to the success of the project?
  7. Will residence at the School contribute to, and enhance, the scholarly dialogue at the ASCSA?
  8. In what ways might this project expand scholarly horizons at the ASCSA?

NEH Fellowships
American School of Classical Studies at Athens
6-8 Charlton Street
Princeton, NJ 08540-5232

Web site: or


The awards will be announced during February. Awardees will be expected to accept the award within two weeks of notification of funding, but no later than March 1.

The ASCSA does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment.

Next regular issue   2015–10–15 / Prochaine livraison régulière   2015–04–15

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Place the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading. Please send announcements in an editable format (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). Please provide a link to posters, flyers, &c.

Écrivez le mot SOUMISSION sur la ligne "sujet". Veuillez envoyer les annonces dans un format éditable (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). Veuillez insérer les liens à toutes affiches, circulaires, etc.