The Canadian Classical Bulletin — Le Bulletin canadien des Études anciennes
23.06        2017–02–21        ISSN 1198-9149

Editor / rédacteur: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian)

webpage / page web / Twitter

Newsletter of the Classical Association of Canada
Bulletin de la Société canadienne des Études classiques

President / présidente: Mark Joyal (University of Manitoba)
Secretary / secrétaire: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian)
Treasurer / trésorière: Pauline Ripat (University of Winnipeg)

Contents / Sommaire

[0] Obituary Notice / Notice nécrologique
  • Ronald Shepherd (1925–2016)
[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de la Société
  • CAC Conference 2017 (reminder) / Congrès de la SCÉC 2017 (rappel)
  • The Women's Network / Le Réseau des femmes
  • Desmond Conacher Scholarship / Bourse Desmond-Conacher
[2] CCB Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA
  • Five notes from the Editor / Cinq notices du rédacteur
[3] Positions Available / Postes à combler
  • Mount Allison: Tenure track position in Greek & Latin Literature
  • Concordia: Limited term appointment in Archaeology & Ancient History
  • Concordia: Limited term appointment in Latin language & literature
  • UVic: Sessional Lecturer in Classical Studies
  • ASCSA: Editor of Hesperia
[4] Conferences & Lectures; Calls for Papers / Conférences; appels à communications
  • CACW: Registration now open
[5] Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses et concours
  • CIG: Neda and Franz Leipen Fellowship (reminder) / ICG: bourse Neda et Franz Leipen (rappel)
[6] Summer Study, Field Schools, Special Programmes / Cours d'été et écoles de terrain, programmes spécialisés
  • No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci
[7] Varia (including members' new books / dont les nouveaux livres des membres)
  • No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci

[0] Obituary Notice / Notice nécrologique

(December 21, 1925 – May 18, 2016)

From the Editor

Hugh Mason informs me that the death of Ronald Shepherd last May was never reported to the CAC. An obituary was published in the Globe and Mail on Saturday, May 28th 2016. I'm providing here some excerpts:

"Ronald Shepherd, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Classics, University of Toronto, died at Bridgepoint Hospital on May 18, 2016, aged 90. He came to the University of Toronto in 1949 as a Lecturer in ancient Greek. After a long academic and administrative career, he retired as Professor of Classics in 1991 but continued to teach part-time until 1995.

His academic interests and undergraduate and graduate teaching focused on Greek Drama and Epic – as well as a popular course in Greek & Roman Mythology for which he received rave reviews in student evaluations. He was an engaging, enthusiastic and charismatic instructor with a superior knowledge of both literature and language which he enjoyed communicating. A former student who later became a distinguished academic in the University of Toronto has paid this tribute: 'Ron was a brilliant teacher in whose classes ancient Greek came alive in all its splendour and subtlety'. Ronald had high standards but he was also kind to students in need of help as evidenced by the many notes of gratitude he received.

He was equally engaged and gifted in his administrative work. For his Department, he chaired various committees and played a large part in developing and redesigning courses, introducing new offerings in translation which increased enrolment. In 1966, he was appointed to the eight-person Presidential Advisory Committee on Instruction, Curriculum and Programmes in the Faculty of Arts and Science, the 'Macpherson Committee', which prepared the ground for the 'New Program' in the Faculty and led to the transition from its venerable Honour-General Course system to the more flexible structure of degree requirements and courses which has continued to evolve. In 1978-79, he chaired a Faculty Decanal Committee on Admissions Criteria; the 'Shepherd Report' reintroduced more rigorous requirements which had lapsed in past years."

[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de la Société


From Craig Maynes

The Organizing Committee for the 2017 CAC Conference wishes to inform the membership that conference registration is now open. Please follow (the conference Facebook page) for other announcements.

We look forward to seeing you in St. John's on May 9th. (Or come a day early! We will be organizing a visit to Quidi Vidi brewery for the evening of May 8th. Come learn how Newfoundland icebergs become beer!)


The Organizing Committee (

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Le Comité organisateur du Congrès 2017 de la SCÉC souhaite informer les membres que l'inscription au Congrès est maintenant ouverte. Veuillez suivre la page Facebook du Congrès pour les annonces à venir.

Nous serons heureux de vous accueillir à St-Jean le 9 mai. Mieux! Arrivez un jour plus tôt pour nous joindre lors d'une visite organisée de la brasserie Quidi Vidi le 8 mai en soirée. Vous y apprendrez comment les icebergs de Terre-Neuve sont transformés en bière!

Le Comité organisateur (


From Allison Surtees

The Women's Network (website and Facebook page) is an organization which supports scholars identifying as women or outside the gender binary who are engaged in Classical scholarship in Canada, and which promotes scholarship relevant to the study of women, sexuality, feminist, queer, trans, and gender studies in the Greek and Roman worlds. Membership is free and open to all members of the CAC/SCEC who are interested in promoting these purposes. We encourage all CAC/SCEC members interested in these goals to sign up for our mailing list for information about the upcoming annual meeting at the CAC/SCEC in St. John's. To join the mailing list or update your contact information, email Kathy Simonsen at

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Le Réseau des femmes (site web et page Facebook) est une organisation qui d'une part soutient les académiques qui s'identifient comme femmes ou hors du binaire du genre et qui prennent part aux études classiques au Canada et qui d'autre part vise à promouvoir la recherche sur des sujets pertinents aux femmes, à la sexualité, ainsi qu'aux études féministes, queer, et du genre dans l'antiquité gréco-romaine. L'adhésion est gratuite et ouverte à tous les membres de la SCEC qui souhaitent promouvoir ces objectifs. Tous les membres de la SCEC qui seraient intéressés par ces activités sont encouragés à s'abonner à notre liste de diffusion afin de recevoir toutes les informations relatives au congrès annuel de la SCEC qui se tiendra à St John's. Si vous souhaitez vous abonner ou mettre à jour vos données, veuillez contacter Kathy Simonsen à l'adresse suivante:

Dear Professors,

Since few undergraduate students read the CCB, we ask that you contact your graduating students to let them know about the Conacher Scholarship (announcement below). Please forward this page to them, or else copy-&-paste this link to the webpage dedicated to the scholarship:

PhD and MA students are also welcome to pass the word around! Note the deadline: Friday April 1st 2017.

Thank you for your assistance!

(See the announcement, further below)

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Chers professeurs,

Puisqu'il y a très peu d'étudiants du premier cycle qui sont abonnés au Bulletin, nous vous prions de bien vouloir les contacter pour leur faire connaître la bourse Desmond Conacher. Vous êtes invités à leur faire parvenir ce numéro spécial du Bulletin ou encore à copier-coller le lien à la page web du concours:

Les étudiants de maîtrise et de doctorat sont aussi invités à faire circuler ce message ! La date limite de soumission des demandes est le vendredi 1er avril 2017.

Merci de votre collaboration !


From Allison Glazebrook

Call for applications — This scholarship is offered in memory of Desmond Conacher, formerly Professor of Classics at Trinity College, Toronto, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and Honorary President of the Classical Association of Canada. Its purpose is to assist and encourage a young scholar entering graduate studies in classics. The scholarship is administered by the Classical Association of Canada. One award of $2,500 is offered each year.

Eligibility and criteria — Applicants must be Canadian students (citizens or permanent residents) intending to enter the first year of graduate studies in a classics or similar programme at a Canadian university. Specializations within the general area of classics such as ancient history, ancient philosophy, and classical archaeology are eligible. Applicants must be less than 28 years of age on January 1st of the year of application. The main criteria are academic achievement, professional promise, and an appropriate undergraduate preparation.

Application procedure — Applications in electronic form should reach Professor Allison Glazebrook, Chair of the CAC Awards Committee, no later than April 1st, 2017 at this email address: For full details of the items required for an application, please follow this link to the relevant page on the CAC/SCEC website.

Further information — Questions should be addressed to the Chair of the Awards Committee, Professor Glazebrook.

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Appel de candidatures — Cette bourse est offerte en mémoire de Desmond Conacher, ancien professeur d’Études classiques à Trinity College, Toronto, membre de la Société royale du Canada et Président honoraire de la Société canadienne des Études classiques. Ses objectifs sont d'encourager et de soutenir financièrement un jeune étudiant débutant des études supérieures en études classiques au Canada. La Fondation est administrée par la Société canadienne des Études classiques et son comité de sélection. Une bourse de 2500 $ est attribuée chaque année.

Critères d’admissibilité — Les candidats doivent être des étudiants canadiens (citoyens ou résidents reçus) sur le point de commencer la première année d’un programme de deuxième cycle en études classiques (ou l’équivalent) dans une université canadienne. Les divers domaines de spécialisation propres aux études classiques et anciennes, tels que l’histoire ancienne, la philosophie ancienne et l’archéologie, sont admissibles. Les candidats doivent être âgés de moins de 28 ans au 1er janvier de l’année de la demande. Les principaux critères de sélection sont les réalisations académiques, les objectifs de carrière et les perspectives de succès, et le fait de posséder une formation de premier cycle pertinente.

Modalités de presentation — Le dossier de candidature devrait être acheminé au plus tard le 1er avril 2017 (à destination) à Mme Allison Glazebrook, Présidente du comité des bourses de la SCÉC, à l'adresse suivante: Pour une liste détaillée des pièces requises pour le dossier de demande, veuillez consulter le site web de la SCEC.

Informations Les demandes d’informations supplémentaires devront être adressées à Mme Glazebrook.

[2] CCB Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA

~ I ~

Please let me know if you sent me an announcement that did not make its way into this issue. For one thing I have received an insane amount of email in the past several weeks and months; for another, I am aware of at least two cases of emails which did not reach the CCB mailbox. If you send me a test email at which fails to deliver, please inform me of the problem at

~ II ~

Il fait plaisir de voir quelques annonces de postes dans ce numéro-ci du Bulletin. Un poste de 10 mois avec date limite du 1er mars a aussi été annoncé dans la livraison de janvier.

~ III ~

I have received a number of corrections (to programs offered, &c.) to the website. These corrections have been saved and will be done within the next several weeks. In the meantime, please keep on sending me your corrections and additions (including, e.g., new links to programs and Facebook pages or Twitter handles) at

~ IV ~

Over the weeks I have also received a few requests to advertise graduate programs. The CAC Council, however, is of the view that to post such ads might cause an increase in the number of departments wishing to be on par and have their program advertised as well. My suggestion is to contact the Graduate Student Caucus, which welcomes announcements useful to their members and future members. Here is the GSC page on the CAC website with contact information. I take this opportunity to provide a link to the GSC Facebook page.

~ V ~

Et n'oubliez pas de visiter la page Facebook de la SCÉC! Les annonces en français sont bienvenues!

[3] Positions Available / Postes à combler


From Bruce Robertson

The Department of Classics at Mount Allison University invites applications for a tenure-track position in Greek and Latin literature, beginning in July, 2017. This is subject to budgetary approval.

The Department of Classics seeks a candidate with an active research programme, appropriate teaching experience and a demonstrated competency in computational research methods. The successful candidate will teach courses such as Classical mythology and Greek and Roman Tragedy and will be part of the introduction of a new program in Digital Humanities. The candidate should possess a Ph.D. in Classics or a related area and should be willing to teach and research within the framework of the undergraduate programme in Classics. This appointment will be made at the rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor.

Mount Allison University has earned a national reputation for its excellent undergraduate programs. The Department of Classics teaches both introductory and advanced Greek and Latin language; it also comprises an active archaeology program, including Summer study in Italy. The University's facilities and growing emphasis on research support make this an attractive place to work, and our location is in a small historic town only 30 minutes from Moncton and its international airport.

An application should include a cover letter noting the courses or areas in which the applicant is prepared to teach, a curriculum vitae, teaching portfolio, and letters of recommendation from three referees, and should be submitted online at

(Archaeology and Ancient History)

From Cathy Bolton

The Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics at Concordia University in Montréal, Quebec, invites applications for a limited-term appointment in Classics with a specialization in Archaeology and Ancient History. The successful applicant will be required to teach courses in Greek and Egyptian archaeology, as well as in the history of Ancient Greece and Rome. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Classics or a related field and proven excellence in teaching.

Applications should consist of a cover letter, a current curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching philosophy/interests, and evidence of teaching effectiveness. The successful applicant must be qualified to teach at all undergraduate levels. Evidence of teaching effectiveness is the key attribute by which qualified candidates are ranked. Applicants should arrange for three letters of reference which address their qualifications for the announced position to be sent directly to:

Dr. Mark Hale, Chair
Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics
Concordia University (electronic applications only)

This position is subject to budgetary approval and need, and is full-time, normally at the rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor beginning August 1, 2017 and ending May 14, 2018. Individuals holding limited-term appointments may be granted a subsequent appointment, given continued funding and need, as well as satisfactory job performance. Together, initial appointments and subsequent appointments may not exceed 36 months or a span of three consecutive years.

All inquiries should be directed to Dr. Hale at Applications should reach the Department no later than March 10, 2017.

For additional information, please visit the Concordia University Faculty of Arts and Science webpages and the Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics webpages.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority. Concordia University is committed to employment equity.

(Latin Language and Literature)

From Cathy Bolton

The Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics at Concordia University in Montréal, Quebec, invites applications for a limited-term appointment in Classics with a specialization in Latin language and literature. The successful applicant will be required to teach a variety of courses in classical literature and culture. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Classics or a related field and proven excellence in teaching.

Applications should consist of a cover letter, a current curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching philosophy/interests, and evidence of teaching effectiveness. The successful applicant must be qualified to teach at all undergraduate levels. Evidence of teaching effectiveness is the key attribute by which qualified candidates are ranked. Applicants should arrange for three letters of reference which address their qualifications for the announced position to be sent directly to:

Dr. Mark Hale, Chair
Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics
Concordia University (electronic applications only)

This position is subject to budgetary approval and need, and is full-time, normally at the rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor beginning August 1, 2017 and ending May 14, 2018. Individuals holding limited-term appointments may be granted a subsequent appointment, given continued funding and need, as well as satisfactory job performance. Together, initial appointments and subsequent appointments may not exceed 36 months or a span of three consecutive years.

All inquiries should be directed to Dr. Hale at Applications should reach the Department no later than March 10, 2017.

For additional information, please visit the Concordia University Faculty of Arts and Science webpages and the Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics webpages.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority. Concordia University is committed to employment equity.


From Ingrid Holmberg

The Department of Greek and Roman Studies invites applications for a Sessional Lecturer with a specialization in Classical Studies, including strengths in teaching Greek and Latin languages. He/She will be expected to teach five courses over two semesters. Applicants should hold the PhD and have demonstrable skill in teaching a broad range of courses in Classical Studies. Preference will be given to instructors who already have experience teaching material related to the following courses on offer for the 2017-18 academic year:

Fall 2017:

  • GREE 201 Advanced Greek Grammar
  • LATI 101 Introductory Latin I
  • GRS 3XXX history or material culture

Spring 2018:

  • GREE 202 Advanced Greek Grammar II
  • GRS 200 Greek and Roman Mythology

The successful applicant will teach the language courses and mythology course listed above, and a 300-level course in material culture or history either from our curriculum ( or at the suggestion of the applicant. Please send (by e-mail) expressions of interest which include a current CV, an indication of which of these courses have been previously taught, and an academic teaching reference to: Ingrid Holmberg, Acting Chair, Department of Greek and Roman Studies, before March 15, 2017. A decision should be made within 7 days.

These appointments are within CUPE, local 4163 (Component 3), Sessional Lecturers certification. The University of Victoria is an equity employer and encourages applications from women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, and aboriginal persons. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.


From the Editor

Alicia Dissinger informs me that the position of Editor of Hesperia is open. Please follow this link for a PDF of the position ad.

[4] Conferences & Lectures; Calls for Papers / Conférences; appels à communications


From Lindsay Driediger-Murphy

Classical Association of the Canadian West: Registration Open

Registration is now open for the upcoming meeting of the Classical Association of the Canadian West, to be held in Calgary, Alberta on 17-18 March 2017.

The programme is available here:

To register, please use the form on the conference website:

Preferential rates for staying at the on-campus hotel, Hotel Alma, are available for delegates. Further details will be posted shortly on the 'Accommodations' section of the website:

We look forward to seeing you in Calgary!

[5] Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses et concours


From Gerry Schaus

The Canadian Institute in Greece (CIG) invites applications for the Neda and Franz Leipen Fellowship to be held at the Institute in Athens from 1 September 2017 to 31 May 2018.

The applicant must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, pursuing graduate or post-doctoral studies, and have a clear need to work in Greece.

The Fellow will spend at least nine months resident in Athens and, in addition to his or her studies, will provide ten hours of assistance weekly at the Canadian Institute in Greece in the office or library, as well as assisting at the public functions of CIG. Some previous experience in Greece and some knowledge of Modern Greek is an asset, although not a requirement.

The Fellow’s research focus may be any aspect of Hellenic studies, from ancient to mediaeval, and in any academic discipline, but preference will be given to a candidate working in the field of Classical to Hellenistic Greek sculpture.

In any subsequent publication of the research work done under the auspices of this fellowship, the recipient will acknowledge both the Canadian Institute in Greece and the Neda and Franz Leipen Fellowship.

The Fellow will receive a stipend of C$9,000 and free accommodation in the CIG hostel for the nine-month period of the fellowship (1 September to 31 May).

To apply, write to Professor Gerald Schaus ( by 1 March 2017, including a curriculum vitae and an outline of the proposed research. Please provide the names and e-mail addresses of three referees who are willing to support your application.

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De Gerry Schaus

L’Institut canadien en Grèce lance un appel à candidatures pour la bourse Neda et Franz Leipen qui sera offerte pour un séjour de neuf mois à Athènes du 1er septembre 2017 au 31 mai 2018.

Les candidats à la bourse Neda et Franz Leipen doivent être citoyens canadiens ou immigrants reçus, être inscrits dans un programme d’études supérieures ou postdoctorales et doivent démontrer un besoin manifeste de séjourner en Grèce pour approfondir leurs études.

Outre ses obligations en recherche, le candidat devra séjourner neuf mois à Athènes où il secondera, à raison de 10 heures par semaine, le directeur adjoint dans diverses tâches administratives et bibliothécaires en plus de participer à l’organisation des événements publics présentés à l’ICG. La connaissance du pays et de la langue sera considérée comme un atout pour les candidats, bien que facultative.

La thématique de recherche du récipiendaire doit porter sur le monde hellénique, de l'antiquité à l'époque médiévale, peu importe la discipline. Il est toutefois important de signaler que les dossiers portant sur la sculpture grecque des époques classique et hellénistique seront privilégiés.

Le bénéficiaire aura l’obligation, dans toute publication ultérieure aux travaux de recherche menés sous les auspices de la bourse, de souligner le soutien de l'Institut canadien en Grèce et de la bourse Neda et Franz Leipen pour la complétion de ses travaux.

Le récipiendaire de la bourse se verra remettre une allocation de 9 000 $ CAD et un logement gratuit à l’hôtellerie de l’ICG pour l’entière durée de la bourse (1er septembre au 31 mai).

Pour déposer votre dossier de candidature, veuillez contacter le Professeur Gerald Schaus ( au plus tard le 1er mars 2017. Les dossiers doivent comprendre un curriculum vitae, un plan détaillé du projet d’études en Grèce, et les noms et courriels de trois professeurs souhaitant appuyer votre démarche.

[6] Summer Study, Field Schools, Special Programmes /
Cours d'été, écoles de terrain, programmes spécialisés

No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci

[7] Varia (including members' new books / dont les nouveaux livres des membres)

No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci

Next regular issue   2017–03–15 / Prochaine livraison régulière   2017–03–15

Send submissions to
Pour nous faire parvenir vos soumissions:

Place the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading. Please send announcements in an editable format (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). The editor typically does not allow attachments; provide a link to posters, flyers, &c.

Écrivez le mot SOUMISSION sur la ligne "sujet". Veuillez envoyer les annonces dans un format éditable (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). En général le rédacteur ne permet pas les pièces jointes; insérez les liens à toutes affiches, circulaires, etc.