26.01        2019–09–17        ISSN 1198-9149

Editor / rédacteur: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian)

webpage / page web / Twitter

Newsletter of the Classical Association of Canada
Bulletin de la Société canadienne des Études classiques

President / présidente: Allison Glazebrook (Brock University)   president@cac-scec.ca
Secretary / secrétaire: James Chlup (University of Manitoba)   secretary@cac-scec.ca
Treasurer / trésorière: Pauline Ripat (University of Winnipeg)   treasurer@cac-scec.ca

Contents Sommaire

[1] Association Announcements & News
[1] Annonces et nouvelles de la Société

  • Essay Competition winners / Gagnant-e-s des concours de dissertations
  • Awards recipients / Gagnant-e-s des concours
  • Lauréate du prix pour la meilleure thèse de doctorat / Winner of the Prize for the best PhD dissertation
  • Mosaic Scholarship in Classics / Bourse mosaïque en Études classiques
  • Lecture Tours, Fall 2019 / Tournées de conférences, automne 2019
  • Dates of the next Annual Conference / Dates du prochain congrès annuel
  • RSC: three classicists among the Class of 2019 / SRC: trois antiquisants dans la Promotion de 2019
[2] CCB Announcements
[2] Annonces du BCÉA

  • From the Editor / Un mot du rédacteur
[3] Positions Available
[3] Postes à combler

  • UBC: Assistant Professor in Greek material culture (tenure track)
  • Queen's: Assistant Professor in Mediterranean Identity and Race in Antiquity (tenure track)
  • Emory: Two Assistant Professors (both tenure track)
[4] Conferences & Lectures; Calls for Papers
[4] Conférences; appels à communications

  • No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci
[5] Scholarships & Competitions
[5] Bourses et concours

  • No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci

[6] Summer Study, Field Schools, Special Programmes
[6] Cours d'été et écoles de terrain, programmes spécialisés

  • No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci
[7] Varia (including members' new books)
[7] Varia (dont les nouveaux livres des membres)

  • No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci

[1] Association Announcements & News
[1] Annonces et nouvelles de la Société


From Allison Glazebrook

Congratulations to the award recipients of the senior essay competition!

  • First prize: Rachel E. F. Hill, University of Guelph — “Penelope's Book 19 Recognition”
  • Second prize: Caleb Sher, Dalhousie University — “Equality and the Second City in Plato's Laws
  • Third prize: Elakkiya Sivakumaran, University of Waterloo — “Lucretius the Mythbuster: A Poetic Analysis of De Rerum Natura 3.980-1010”

Congratulations to the award recipients of the junior essay competition!

  • First prize: Yoel Jakobi, University of Guelph — “Ekphrasis and the Significance of the World within the Shield of Achilles in Homer’s Iliad
  • Second prize: Angus Wilson, Dalhousie University — “Bodyguards or Assassins? Addressing Misconceptions of the Praetorian Guard’s Influence upon Early Imperial Politics”
  • Third prize: Juliette Halliday, Simon Fraser University — “Minoan Palatial Interaction: Power or Peers?”

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Félicitations aux gagnants et gagnantes du concours de dissertations, niveau avancé!

  • Premier prix: Rachel E. F. Hill, Université de Guelph — « Penelope's Book 19 Recognition »
  • Second prix: Caleb Sher, Université Dalhousie — « Equality and the Second City in Plato's Laws »
  • Troisième prix: Elakkiya Sivakumaran, Université de Waterloo — « Lucretius the Mythbuster: A Poetic Analysis of De Rerum Natura 3.980-1010 »

Félicitations aux gagnants et gagnantes du concours de dissertations, niveau débutant!

  • Premier prix: Yoel Jakobi, Université de Guelph — « Ekphrasis and the Significance of the World within the Shield of Achilles in Homer’s Iliad »
  • Second prix: Angus Wilson, Université Dalhousie — « Bodyguards or Assassins? Addressing Misconceptions of the Praetorian Guard’s Influence upon Early Imperial Politics »
  • Troisième prix: Juliette Halliday, Université Simon Fraser — « Minoan Palatial Interaction: Power or Peers? »


From / De Bruce Robertson

Congratulations to the following award recipients:

Ulysse Carrière-Bouchard (Université de Montréal) is the winner of the Desmond Conacher Scholarship, a $2,500 award to assist and encourage young scholars entering graduate studies in Classics.

Fae Amiro (McMaster University) won the Graduate Student Presentation Prize of $100 for delivering the best paper at the annual meeting (McMaster University): “The Eleusis Portrait Type of the Empress Sabina”.

I would like to thank the members of this committee: Peter Miller, David Mirhady, Christian Raschle and Pauline Ripat.

Bruce Robertson
Chair of Awards Committee (2018/19)

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Félicitations aux récipiendaires des prix suivants:

Ulysse Carrière-Bouchard (Université de Montréal) a gagné la Bourse Desmond Conacher (2500$) dont le but est d'encourager et de soutenir financièrement un(e) jeune étudiant(e) qui entreprend des études supérieures en études classiques au Canada.

Fae Amiro (McMaster University) a gagné le prix de 100$ pour la meilleure communication présentée par un(e) étudiant(e) lors du congrès annuel (McMaster University): «The Eleusis Portrait Type of the Empress Sabina».

Je voudrais remercier les membres du comité d'attribution des bourses: Peter Miller, David Mirhady, Christian Raschle et Pauline Ripat.

Bruce Robertson
Président du comité d'attribution des bourses (2018/19).


From / De Mark Joyal

Au nom du Comité de sélection du Prix de la meilleure thèse de doctorat de la SCÉC, il me fait plaisir d'annoncer aux membres de la Société la quatrième lauréate de ce Prix : Mme Gaëlle Rioual, pour sa thèse soutenue en 2017 « Lire Grégoire de Nazianze à l’époque byzantine: Édition critique, traduction et analyse des Commentaires de Basile le Minime aux Discours 4 et 5 de Grégoire de Nazianze » et effectuée sous la co-direction des Professeurs Paul-Hubert Poirier (Laval) et Thomas Schmidt (Fribourg).

Les membres du comité ont apprécié la maîtrise de la paléographie et des principes de l'édition de texte dans cette thèse au sujet novateur. En outre, Mme Rioual a démontré une connaissance approfondie de la tradition textuelle des oeuvres de Basile. Tout aussi remarquable est son analyse des textes complexes et parfois difficiles de Grégoire et de son commentateur, Basile.

Les membres du comité tiennent en outre à accorder la Mention Honorable à  M. Tommaso Leoni pour sa thèse « Urbem Hierusolymam delevit: The Arch of Titus in the Circus Maximus in Antiquity and the Middle Ages » effectuée sous la direction du Professeur Jonathan Edmondson de l'Université York.

Je souhaite exprimer toute ma reconnaissance aux membres du Comité de sélection pour leur professionalisme : Christian Raschle (UdeM), membre du conseil; Cedric Littlewood (U de Victoria), Tana Allen (Memorial), Catherine Rubincam (U de Toronto, Émerite), membres de la Société.

Le comité de sélection avait reçu cette année huit excellentes soumissions et l'on peut dire que la décision fut difficile. C'est un plaisir sans cesse renouvelé de voir des travaux de recherche si stimulants émanant de la relève canadienne en études classiques.


Mark Joyal
Président sortant, Société canadfienne des Études classiques, 2018–2020

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On behalf of the Adjudication Committee for the CAC Prize for Best PhD Dissertation, I would like to congratulate the fourth winner of the Prize, previously announced at the AGM at McMaster University in May: Gaëlle Rioual, Laval University and the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, for the dissertation Lire Grégoire de Nazianze à l’époque byzantine: Édition critique, traduction et analyse des Commentaires de Basile le Minime aux Discours 4 et 5 de Grégoire de Nazianze (2017). The dissertation was co-directed by Paul-Hubert Poirier (Laval) and Thomas Schmidt (Fribourg).

Committee members were impressed by the originality of this dissertation, the mastery of palaeography and the principles of text-editing which it demonstrates, and more specifically by Dr. Rioual’s knowledge of the textual tradition of Basil’s works. Equally impressive is her analysis of the complex and diverse material presented by both Gregory’s text and that of his commentator, Basil.

Honorable Mention goes to: Dr. Tommaso Leoni, for his thesis, Urbem Hierusolymam delevit: The Arch of Titus in the Circus Maximus in Antiquity and the Middle Ages (2018), supervised by Professor Jonathan Edmondson of York University.

I am very grateful to the members of the Adjudication Committee for their diligence and collegiality: Christian Raschle (UdeM), Council member; Cedric Littlewood (UVic), Tana Allen (MUN), Catherine Rubincam (U of T, Emerita), members-at-large of the Association.

The Adjudication Committee received eight strong applications for the Prize, and the decision was a difficult one for the Committee to make. The dissertations which we had the pleasure of reading are a clear indication that the future for research in our discipline is a promising one.

Respectfully submitted

Mark Joyal
Past President, Classical Association of Canada 2018–2020

New Scholarship: the Mosaic Scholarship in Classics
Nouvelle bourse: la Bourse mosaïque en études classiques

From / De Bruce Robertson

This scholarship seeks to encourage and support students from historically underrepresented groups in Canada, such as visible minorities and indigenous populations, in the discipline of Classics. One award of $500 is offered each year.

Eligibility and criteria: Applicants must identify as an underrepresented group, be Canadian students (citizens or permanent residents) and currently enrolled in an undergraduate program in Classics or similar program at a Canadian University. Specializations within the general area of Classics, such as ancient history, ancient philosophy, and classical archaeology are eligible. The main criterion is academic achievement.

Application procedure: The following items should be sent in electronic format to Bruce Robertson, Chair of the CAC Awards Committee at brobertson@mta.ca no later than April 1st:

  • A completed application form
  • A personal statement (maximum 500 words) describing the applicant's academic background to date, relevant employment experience, research interests, and future goals
  • A list of any academic awards and honours received at the postsecondary level
  • Two letters of recommendation from university professors familiar with the applicant's work. (signed reference letters should be sent independently by email attachment to the chair of the Awards Committee)
  • Electronic copies of university transcripts (unofficial transcripts are acceptable if certified by the applicant's department)

Selection and award procedure: The Committee meets during the Association's Annual Conference in May. Applicants will be informed of the results soon after this. The award will be paid in September subject to confirmation that the winner is registered in an appropriate program.

Further information: Questions should be addressed to the Chair of the Awards Committee.

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Cette bourse vise à encourager et à soutenir les étudiants de groupes historiquement sous-représentés au Canada, par exemple les minorités visibles et les populations autochtones, dans la discipline des classiques. Un prix de $500 est offert chaque année.

Critères d’admissibilité: Les candidats doivent s’identifier comme un groupe sous-représenté, être des étudiants canadiens (citoyens ou résidents reçus) et être actuellement inscrits à un programme de premier cycle en études classiques (ou l’équivalent) dans une université canadienne. Divers domaines de spécialisation propres aux études classiques et anciennes, tels que l’histoire ancienne, la philosophie ancienne et l’archéologie, sont aussi admissibles. Les réalisations académiques sont le principal critère de sélection.

Modalités de présentation: Les pièces suivantes devraient être acheminées au plus tard le 1er avril (envoyées électroniquement en format pdf) au président du comité de sélection de la SCÉC, Bruce Robertson (brobertson@mta.ca):

  • Un formulaire de demande
  • Une lettre personnelle (500 mots maximum) faisant état des études antérieures à ce jour, des expériences pertinentes de travail, des intérêts de recherche, et des objectifs futurs
  • Une liste des prix, honneurs et bourses reçus aux niveaux collégial et universitaire
  • Deux lettres d’appréciation écrites par des professeurs d’université connaissant bien les travaux du candidat (envoyées séparément par les professeurs en format pdf avec signature au président du comité de sélection de la SCÉC)
  • Originaux ou copies certifiées conformes (par le département) des résultats obtenus au cours des études

Procédure de sélection et annonce des résultats: Le comité de sélection se réunit à l’occasion du Congrès annuel qui se tient en mai. Les candidats seront informés des résultats peu de temps après. La bourse sera versée en septembre, après confirmation que le récipiendaire a bien complété son inscription dans un programme d’études supérieures d’une université canadienne.

Informations: Les demandes d’informations supplémentaires devront être adressées par écrit au président du Comité de sélection.


From the Editor

For time and location, please contact the local host (department of Classics, Ancient Studies, or similar). / SVP contactez le département d'Études anciennes de votre université pour l'heure et le lieu de la conférence qui vous intéresse.


From / De Kathy Simonsen (organizer / organisatrice)

Speaker: Ben Akrigg (University of Toronto)

  1. Tuesday Sept. 24 – Dalhousie University, Halifax: "Wealth and Inequality in Ancient Economies"
  2. Wednesday Sept. 25 – Saint Mary's University, Halifax: "Migrants and Migration in the Classical World"
  3. Friday Sept. 27 – University of New Brunswick, Fredericton: "Migrants and Migration in the Classical World"
  4. Monday Sept. 30 – Mount Allison University, Sackville: "Migrants and Migration in the Classical World"
  5. Tuesday Oct. 1 – Acadia University, Wolfville: "Migrants and Migration in the Classical World"
  6. Wednesday Oct. 2 – Memorial University of Newfoundland Grenfell Campus, Corner Brook: "Wealth and Inequality in Ancient Economies"
  7. Thursday Oct. 3 – Memorial University of Newfoundland, St-John's: "Migrants and Migration in the Classical World"


From / De Riemer Faber (organizer / organisateur)

Speaker: Brendan Burke (University of Victoria)

  1. Monday Sept. 23 – Wilfrid Laurier: "Excavations at Ancient Eleon and the Evolving Landscape of Death in Early Mycenaean Greece"
  2. Tuesday Sept. 24 – Western: "The Golden King: Midas of Phrygia and the Myths of Wealth in the Greek Imagination"
  3. Wednesday Sept. 25 – McMaster: "Excavations at Ancient Eleon and the Evolving Landscape of Death in Early Mycenaean Greece"
  4. Wednesday Sept. 25 – Brock: "Excavations at Ancient Eleon and the Evolving Landscape of Death in Early Mycenaean Greece"
  5. Thursday Sept. 26 – York: "Uncovering Ancient Eleon in Central Greece: New Discoveries from the Bronze Age through the Classical Periods"
  6. Friday Sept. 27 – Toronto: "The Golden King: Midas of Phrygia and the Myths of Wealth in the Greek Imagination"
  7. Monday Sept. 30 – Trent: "The Golden King: Midas of Phrygia and the Myths of Wealth in the Greek Imagination"
  8. Monday Sept. 30 – Queen's: "The Golden King: Midas of Phrygia and the Myths of Wealth in the Greek Imagination"
  9. Tuesday Oct. 1 – Carleton: "The Golden King: Midas of Phrygia and the Myths of Wealth in the Greek Imagination"
  10. Wednesday Oct. 2 – McGill: "Excavations at Ancient Eleon and the Evolving Landscape of Death in Early Mycenaean Greece"
  11. Wednesday Oct. 2 – Concordia: "The Golden King: Midas of Phrygia and the Myths of Wealth in the Greek Imagination"
  12. Thursday Oct. 3 – Université Laval (salle DKN-5242): "The Golden King: Midas of Phrygia and the Myths of Wealth in the Greek Imagination"


From / De Noreen Humble (organizer / organisatrice)

Speaker Allison Glazebrook (Brock University)

  1. Thursday Oct. 31 – Manitoba: “Life in an Ancient Athenian Brothel” (more info: Lea.Stirling@umanitoba.ca)
  2. Thursday Oct. 31 – Winnipeg: “Life in an Ancient Athenian Brothel” (more info: c.whately@uwinnipeg.ca)
  3. Friday Nov. 1 – Alberta: “Life in an Ancient Athenian Brothel” (more info: frances.pownall@ualberta.ca)
  4. Monday Nov. 4 – Lethbridge: “Life in an Ancient Athenian Brothel” (more info: craig.cooper@uleth.ca)
  5. Tuesday Nov. 5 – Calgary: “Gender and Sexual Labour: Lysias 3 & 4” (more info: nmhumble@ucalgary.ca)
  6. Wednesday Nov. 6 – SFU: “Life in an Ancient Athenian Brothel” (more info: sabrina_higgins@sfu.ca)
  7. Thursday Nov. 7 – UBC: “Locating Alce: Place and Space in Isaeus 6” (more info: clgorrie@mail.ubc.ca)
  8. Friday Nov. 8 – UVic: “Life in an Ancient Athenian Brothel” (more info: ingrid@uvic.ca)


From the Editor / Du rédacteur

Several of you have been asking me when exactly the next Annual Conference would be held. This information has now been posted on the website. Pour le français, veuillez suivre ce lien vers la page dédiée au prochain Congrès annuel. Les documents habituels (l'appel à communications, le programme, etc.) seront affichés dès qu'ils seront disponibles.


From the President / De la présidente

The Royal Society of Canada (RSC) announced its new members on September 10th, and three Canadian Classicists are on the list. Congratulations to our colleagues, Susanna Braund of the University of British Columbia, Jonathan Edmondson of York University, and Louis-André Dorion of the University of Montreal, on this achievement.

La Société royale du Canada a annoncé ses nouveaux membres le 10 septembre, et trois spécialistes canadiens des Études classiques sont sur la liste. Félicitations à nos collègues, Susanna Braund de l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique, Jonathan Edmondson de l’Université York, et Louis-André Dorion de l’Université de Montréal, pour cette réalisation.

Press release / Communiqué de presse / Announcement: Class of 2019 / Annonce: Promotion 2019

From the announcement / De l’annonce:

Susanna Braund is the world expert on the translation history of the major Latin poet Virgil. She earlier pioneered literary study of Roman satire and cultural study of the emotions in Roman literature. She produced acclaimed scholarly editions and translations of Juvenal, Persius, Lucan and Seneca. Her synthesizing approach combines philological methods and contemporary theoretical frameworks to illuminate and deepen our appreciation of Latin literature and Roman culture.

Susanna Braund est la spécialiste mondiale de l’histoire de la traduction du grand poète latin Virgil. Auparavant, elle fut pionnière dans l’étude littéraire de la satire romaine et dans l’étude culturelle des émotions dans la littérature romaine. Elle a produit des éditions scientifiques réputées et des traductions des œuvres de Juvenal, Persius, Lucan et Sénèque. Son approche de synthèse allie des méthodes philologiques avec des modèles théoriques contemporains pour éclairer et approfondir notre compréhension de la littérature latine et de la culture romaine.

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Jonathan Edmondson is an internationally renowned Roman historian, whose research on Rome’s Hispanic provinces has made path-breaking contributions to our understanding of the impact of Roman imperialism on provincial communities. A leading epigrapher, he co-edited the landmark Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy and co-directs ADOPIA, a digital atlas of personal names from the Iberian Peninsula in antiquity. His research on gladiators provides new perspectives on the significance of public spectacle in the Roman world.

Jonathan Edmondson est un historien romain de renommée internationale, dont les recherches sur l’Hispanie romaine ont apporté des contributions innovantes à notre compréhension de l’impact de l’impérialisme romain sur les communautés provinciales. Épigraphiste de premier plan, il a coédité le célèbre Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy et il codirige ADOPIA, un atlas numérique onomastique de la Péninsule Ibérique antique. Ses recherches sur les gladiateurs offrent de nouvelles perspectives sur l’importance du spectacle public dans le monde romain.

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Louis-André Dorion est un spécialiste mondialement reconnu de philosophie ancienne. Il a publié de nombreuses études sur Socrate, Platon et Aristote, mais il est surtout connu pour sa traduction et son commentaire des Mémorables de Xénophon, qui ont énormément contribué à la renaissance actuelle des études consacrées aux écrits socratiques de Xénophon. Son ouvrage sur Socrate, dont la première édition remonte à 2004, a été traduit en huit langues.

Louis-André Dorion is a world-renowned specialist in ancient philosophy. He published extensively on Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, but he is best known for his translation of Xenophon’s Memorabilia and for the accompanying commentary, both of which have greatly contributed to the current revival of research on Xenophon’s Socratic writings. His book on Socrates, whose first edition dates back to 2004, has been translated into eight languages.

[2] CCB Announcements
[2] Annonces du BCÉA


I learned yesterday (September 16th) of the passing of Noel Robertson (August 15th 1936–September 12th 2019), Professor Emeritus at Brock University. A full obituary will be published in the next issue.

[3] Positions Available
[3] Postes à combler


From Charlene McCombs

The Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver campus invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in ancient Greek material culture to commence July 1, 2020. The successful candidate will demonstrate a strong, ongoing commitment to research and teaching excellence. Any research focus within the material culture of the Greek world from the Neolithic through Hellenistic periods will be considered. We especially welcome candidates who complement the existing interdisciplinary strengths of the Department and who engage with diverse theoretical and methodological approaches (e.g., digital, post-colonial, scientific) in their research and teaching.

The successful candidate must have completed a PhD in a relevant field prior to taking up the position, and will be expected to develop and maintain an active, externally funded research program leading to peer-reviewed publications. We are looking for a candidate committed to innovative teaching at a large, highly diverse public institution. The position entails a teaching load of 4 courses per year (12 credits) and the successful candidate will be required to teach Greek archaeology and art at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. The ability to teach ancient Greek would be an asset. The successful candidate will also be expected to provide mentoring and research training for undergraduate and graduate students and actively participate in departmental service, events, and initiatives.

The Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies has a long tradition of leadership in ancient material culture and currently supports active field work in the Mediterranean, Europe and the Near East. We would particularly welcome candidates who can engage with resources and collections within the Department and through the Laboratory of Archaeology and Museum of Anthropology. Please follow the link for more about the programs, resources, faculty research interests, and general activities of CNERS.

Applications are to be submitted online through the Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies' Internal Resources website. Applicants should be prepared to upload in the following order and in a single PDF (max size 15MB): a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a one- to two-page description of current and future research plans, a one- to two-page statement of teaching philosophy and interests, a one-page statement about your experience working with a diverse student body and your contributions or potential contributions to creating/advancing a culture of equity and inclusion, and one writing sample (20-30 pages).

Shortlisted applicants will be asked for evidence of teaching excellence or potential for excellence (including but not limited to student evaluations and/or peer assessments, one graduate course syllabus and one undergraduate course syllabus) and to arrange to have three confidential letters of reference sent directly by their referees.

Enquiries may be made to the Head of the Department of CNERS at cners.head@ubc.ca.

The deadline for the receipt of applications is September 30, 2019.

This position is subject to final budgetary approval. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Métis, Inuit, or Indigenous person. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.


From Judy Vanhooser

The Department of Classics at Queen’s University invites applications for a Tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor with specialization in Mediterranean Identity and Race in Antiquity. The ideal candidate will be a Greek historian, who can design and teach courses such as “Ethnic Identity and Race in the Classical World,” “Ancient Colonization and Diasporas,” “Warfare in the Ancient world” and “Slavery in the ancient Mediterranean and beyond,” which emphasize the strategies all relevant cultures developed for mutual interaction, connection and inclusion.

High proficiency in Ancient Greek and an ability to teach Greek language and epigraphy courses are required. The successful candidate will be expected to initiate a high-quality research program on Greek interaction with the diverse indigenous populations of the Mediterranean, exploring parallels with the Canadian indigenous experience. This research, which is competitive for funding through Canada’s tri-council awards, will have independent facets, but will also entail collaboration with colleagues in another field or fields, such as Art History, Gender Studies, Geography, History, Languages Literatures and Cultures, Linguistics, Religious Studies and Sociology. By involving students, the research will further enhance the Department’s strong emphasis on experiential learning. The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate (including introductory) and graduate courses on the history of ancient Greece and Greek civilization, and supervise Master’s students in ancient Greek history. The preferred starting date for this position is July 1, 2020.

Candidates must have a PhD or equivalent degree completed at the start date of the appointment. The main criteria for selection are academic and teaching excellence. The successful candidate will provide evidence of high quality scholarly output that demonstrates potential for independent research leading to peer assessed publications and the securing of external research funding, as well as strong potential for outstanding teaching contributions at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and an ongoing commitment to academic and pedagogical excellence in support of the department’s programs. Candidates must provide evidence of an ability to work collaboratively in an interdisciplinary and student-centred environment. The successful candidate will be required to make substantive contributions through service to the department, the Faculty, the University, and/or the broader community. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

People from across Canada and around the world come to learn, teach and carry out research at Queen’s University. Faculty and their dependents are eligible for an extensive benefits package including prescription drug coverage, vision care, dental care, long term disability insurance, life insurance and access to the Employee and Family Assistance Program. You will also participate in a pension plan. Tuition assistance is available for qualifying employees, their spouses and dependent children. Queen’s values families and is pleased to provide a ‘top up’ to government parental leave benefits for eligible employees on maternity/parental leave. In addition, Queen's provides partial reimbursement for eligible daycare expenses for employees with dependent children in daycare. Details are set out in the Queen’s-QUFA Collective Agreement. For more information on employee benefits, see Queen’s Human Resources.

Additional information about Queen's University can be found on the Faculty Recruitment and Support website. The University is situated on the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe, in historic Kingston on the shores of Lake Ontario. Kingston's residents enjoy an outstanding quality of life with a wide range of cultural, recreational, and creative opportunities. Visit Inclusive Queen's for information on equity, diversity and inclusion resources and initiatives.

The Queen's Classics Department is a small, but vibrant unit comprised of dedicated teachers and scholars. We aim to cover the full range of studies in Classics, and have a particular strength in the material culture of the ancient Mediterranean world.

The University invites applications from all qualified individuals. Queen's is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from women, visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQ persons. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.

To comply with federal laws, the University is obliged to gather statistical information as to how many applicants for each job vacancy are Canadian citizens / permanent residents of Canada. Applicants need not identify their country of origin or citizenship; however, all applications must include one of the following statements: "I am a Canadian citizen / permanent resident of Canada"; OR, "I am not a Canadian citizen / permanent resident of Canada". Applications that do not include this information will be deemed incomplete.

In addition, the impact of certain circumstances that may legitimately affect a nominee’s record of research achievement will be given careful consideration when assessing the nominee’s research productivity. Candidates are encouraged to provide any relevant information about their experience and/or career interruptions.

A complete application consists of:

  • a cover letter (including one of the two statements regarding Canadian citizenship / permanent resident status specified in the previous paragraph);
  • a current Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publications);
  • a statement of research interests;
  • a statement of teaching interests and experience (including teaching outlines and evaluations if available); and,
  • Three letters of reference to be sent directly to Dr. R. Drew Griffith

The deadline for applications is November 4, 2019.

Applicants are encouraged to send all documents in their application packages electronically as PDFs to Judy Vanhooser at classics@queensu.ca, although hard copy applications may be submitted to:

Dr. R. Drew Griffith, Head
The Department of Classics
Room 505, Watson Hall
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario

The University will provide support in its recruitment processes to applicants with disabilities, including accommodation that takes into account an applicant’s accessibility needs. If you require accommodation during the interview process, please contact Judy Vanhooser in The Department of Classics, at classics@queensu.ca.

If convenient for applicants, we may hold interviews at the annual meeting of the Society for Classical Studies in Washington D.C., January 2–5, 2020, and have on-campus interviews for selected applicants as well.

Academic staff at Queen's University are governed by a Collective Agreement between the University and the Queen's University Faculty Association (QUFA), which is posted at Faculty Relations Office and at QUFA.

Area of specialty: Generalist: Greek and Roman language, literature and culture

From Sandra Blakely

The Department of Classics at Emory University in Atlanta, GA invites applications for two tenure-track positions at the rank of Assistant Professor, beginning in August 2020. Qualified candidates should have completed the PhD by the time of appointment. We seek dynamic and innovative scholar/teachers with wide ranging interests in the ancient world and a strong research trajectory. We especially welcome candidates who bring interdisciplinary perspectives, able to complement existing strengths within the department and engage with students who seek to combine the humanistic with the pre-professional in their undergraduate experience. These perspectives may include but are not limited to ancient science and medicine, law, digital humanities and data science, classical reception, and material culture.

The successful candidate will bring a demonstrated commitment to teaching and mentoring a student population diverse with respect to race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender and religion. Teaching responsibilities include Greek and/or Latin at all levels as well as courses in classical literature and culture in translation. These courses range in size from 15 to 115 students, and in format from freshman seminars to large lectures. Course load is 2–2. The candidate will also contribute to the department tradition of fostering and mentoring undergraduate research in year-long honors theses and other forms of engagement with the discipline. We welcome applicants whose experience in community service, academic research, teaching or outreach will help them contribute to the university's commitment to diversity in scholarship and mentoring.

Applicants should submit the following materials via Interfolio:

  • a letter of application
  • CV
  • research statement
  • three confidential letters of recommendation
  • a writing sample of approximately 20–30 pages
  • a 2–4 page teaching statement detailing experience and vision regarding the teaching and mentoring of students of diverse backgrounds

Review of applications will begin on October 15, 2019. Applications received up to 30 days after review begins will be given full consideration. Interviews will be conducted via Skype/Zoom.

Questions about the positions may be directed to Sandy Blakely, Chair, Department of Classics: sblakel@emory.edu. For technical questions, please contact Interfolio directly at 1-877-997-8807 or: help@interfolio.com. Emory University is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, people with disabilities and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.

[4] Conferences & Lectures; Calls for Papers
[4] Conférences; appels à communications

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[5] Scholarships & Competitions
[5] Bourses et concours

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[6] Summer Study, Field Schools, Special Programmes
[6] Cours d'été, écoles de terrain, programmes spécialisés

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[7] Varia (including members' new books)
[7] Varia (dont les nouveaux livres des membres)

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Next regular issue   2019–10–15 / Prochaine livraison régulière   2019–10–15

Send submissions to ccb@cac-scec.ca
Pour nous faire parvenir vos soumissions: ccb@cac-scec.ca

Place the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading. Please send announcements in an editable format (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). The editor typically does not allow attachments; provide a link to posters, flyers, &c.

Écrivez le mot SOUMISSION sur la ligne "sujet". Veuillez envoyer les annonces dans un format éditable (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). En général le rédacteur ne permet pas les pièces jointes; insérez les liens à toutes affiches, circulaires, etc.