Contents / Table des matières

[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de l'Association
• UWO: Annual Meeting, 8-10 May 2012 / Congrès annuel, 8-10 mai 2012
• Formal invitation for proposals to host the Annual Meeting in May 2015
• A new website for Mouseion
• Winners of the 2011 Undergraduate Essay Competition
• Award of Merit (reminder) / Prix du mérite (rappel)

[2] CCB Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA
• No announcement this month / Rien à signaler ce mois-ci

[3] Positions Available / Postes à combler
• WLU: Tenure-track position in Roman Archaeology &/or History

[4] Calls for Papers; Conference & Lecture Announcements / Conférences; appels à communications
• UNB: Memories of the Past
• UofT/York: CFP – From the Inside Looking Out: Alterity and Creating the Other in Ancient History
• Manchester: Ego primos iambos ostendi Latio: Re-evaluating Horace’s Epodes
• Athens (Danish Institute): Fokus Fortifikation

[5] Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses et concours
• Otago Postgraduate scholarships

[6] Summer Study, Field Schools, Online Courses / Cours d'été, écoles de terrain, cours "en ligne"
• Archaeological Field Opportunities in Transylvania (Romania)

[7] Varia (including members' new books and PhD dissertations / dont les nouveaux livres et thèses de doctorat des membres)
• Memorial service for Frederic Winter
• Two new books this month / Deux nouveaux livres ce mois-ci
• Latest issue of VATES
• Greek, Latin, and the UNESCO / Le grec, le latin et l'UNESCO

[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de l'Association

From: Kelly Olson
(Le français suit)



Every year, the Classical Association of Canada holds a conference gathering some 150 researchers from all areas of Classical Studies. In 2012, the Department of Classics at The University of Western Ontario has the honour of hosting the meeting in London, Ontario. This year our keynote address will be delivered by Professor Amy Richlin, of the Univ. of California at Los Angeles, on the evening of May 9th in Conron Hall in University College. Please note that the closing date for abstract submissions is January 20th, 2012, and that you must be a CAC member in good standing to present a paper. To join the Association, please follow this link.

Call for Papers: General information: The CAC’s 2012 Annual Meeting will take place from Tuesday, May 8th–Thursday, May 10th, 2012. Registration material and related information will be posted on this website as it becomes available, as will all other conference information regarding programme, accommodations, banquet, etc.

Paper Proposals: Scholarly contributions in all areas of Classical Studies are welcomed. Presentations must not exceed 20 minutes, so as to allow for discussion following each paper. Proposals and abstracts should be submitted electronically to Prof. Kelly Olson at: The deadline for receipt is Friday, January 20th, 2012. Please note that this year for the first time we have a template for abstracts: each abstract must be between 350-500 words and include relevant bibliography. Graduate students who wish to propose a paper are strongly encouraged to consult with their supervisor or other appropriate faculty member before submitting an abstract. In addition, the CAC Council has mandated that students wishing to present at the CAC must include a letter of support from their supervisor or other appropriate faculty member, allowing them to do so. All abstracts will be judged anonymously. Please do not identify yourself in any way in the abstract itself.

Panel Submissions: There are two CAC / host-sponsored panels. You must be a CAC member in good standing to present on either panel. To join the Association, please follow this link.

1. The friends of Bonnie MacLachlan invite submissions for a plenary session (Tues., May 8th) in honor of her retirement, on the topic Transitions. We welcome papers that explore transformative moments of ancient Greek and Roman life, including formal coming-of-age ceremonies, or weddings, births and funerals as depicted in the literature and material culture of the ancient world. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following: accounts drawn from the catabatic tradition (descents to the Underworld) as motifs in myth and cult; oblique references to rites of passage in literature, such as the experiences of Odysseus or the role of Medea as initiatrix; the quests and trials of young men and women; age-markers in texts or artifacts; descriptions of moments of personal transformation. Please send a 350-500 word abstract (with relevant bibliography) to Prof. Kelly Olson ( by Friday Jan 20th, 2012.

2. Women’s Network / Réseau des Femmes panel: Women and the Reception of the Classical World

The Women’s Network / Réseau des Femmes of the CAC / SCEC invites submissions for this year’s panel themed “Women and the Reception of the Classical World”. We seek to explore women’s engagement with the Classics and are particularly interested in understanding how women artists, scholars and intellectuals of the modern era have constructed their vision(s) of the ancient world through the use of the visual arts, literature, popular culture, theatre and film, scholarship, education and pedagogy. Possible topics might include, but are not limited to: women (authors, artists, playwrights, etc.) and their works, intertextuality and the “female voice”, issues facing women who deal with classical topics and themes, and the role of women in shaping Classical Reception Studies.

This call for papers is meant to be suggestive rather than exclusive; papers are solicited on all areas exploring women and the reception of the Classical world. We hope to bring together contributors from a wide variety of disciplines, including English Literature, Art History, Fine Arts, Drama, Women and Gender Studies, Philosophy, and Religious Studies. We warmly welcome submissions from individuals outside of Canada and North America.

Please submit abstracts of 350-500 words (with relevant bibliography) by Friday, Jan 20th, 2012 directly to Prof. Kelly Olson ( and indicate that the abstract is for the Women’s Network/Réseau des Femmes. Further enquiries can be directed to Judith Fletcher (jfletcher(at) or Lisa Trentin (ltrentin(at)

3. In addition to these sponsored panels and regular papers, scholars can propose specific panel sessions around a topic (e.g., specific research topics or teaching and professional issues). A panel must be limited to a maximum of four individual papers. Proposals for these should be submitted to Prof. Kelly Olson ( by Friday Jan 20th, 2012, and should include a session title, statement of purpose (maximum 200 words), names of participants, and the individual 300-500 word abstracts (with relevant bibliography) for all the papers in the proposed panel. Again, you must be a CAC member in good standing to present on any panel. To join the Association, please follow this link.

Please send enquiries via email to Prof. Kelly Olson ( using the subject line "CAC-SCEC question" or by mail to: Kelly Olson, Dept. of Classical Studies, Univ. of Western Ontario, Lawson Hall 3227, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B8.

For technical questions related to the website, please email Kathleen Beharrell at

Conference website:

Univ. of Western Ontario Dept. of Classical Studies:



du 8 au 10 mai 2012


La Société canadienne des études classiques organise annuellement un congrès d’envergure, réunissant quelque cent cinquante chercheurs et chercheuses de la communauté scientifique œuvrant dans le domaine des études anciennes. Cette année, le Department of Classics à l’Université de Western Ontario a l'honneur d’accueillir ce congrès, à London, Ontario. La Conférence d'ouverture sera prononcée le 9 mai en soirée, par la professeure Amy Richlin dans le Hall de Conron University College. Veuillez noter que la date limite pour soumettre une communication est le 20 janvier 2012. Pour cela, vous devez être membre en règle de la Société. Pour adhérer à celle-ci, veuillez suivre ce lien.

Appel à communications: Information générale: Le Congrès annuel 2012 de la SCEC se tiendra du mardi 8 mai au jeudi 10 mai. Le matériel nécessaire ainsi que toutes les informations sur le congrès seront publiés sur ce site web au fur et à mesure qu’ils seront disponibles.

Proposition de communication: Les propositions de communication portant sur tous les domaines des Études Classiques sont les bienvenues. Chaque présentation doit être d’une durée maximale de 20 minutes afin de permettre une discussion suivant chaque communication. La date limite pour la soumission des résumés est le vendredi 20 janvier 2012. Les propositions et les résumés doivent être soumis électroniquement à Mme Kelly Olson, professeure: S'il vous plaît, noter que cette année, pour la première fois, nous avons un modèle pour les résumés : chaque résumé compte entre 300-500 mots et comporte une bibliographie pertinente. Nous encourageons fortement les étudiants et étudiantes de maîtrise ou de doctorat qui désirent participer à consulter leur directeur/directrice ou un professeur de leur programme d’études avant de soumettre un résumé. En outre, le Conseil a exigé que les étudiants désireux de présenter à la SCEC doivent inclure une lettre d'appui de leur superviseur ou un autre membre du corps professoral approprié, leur permettant de le faire. Tous les résumés seront jugés de manière anonyme. S'il vous plaît ne vous identifiez pas de quelque façon que ce soit dans le résumé lui-même.

Proposition de séance: Il y aura deux séances parrainées par l’institution hôte et la SCEC. Pour participer à l’une ou l’autre des deux séances spéciales organisées lors du congrès, vous devez être membre en règle de la Société. Pour adhérer à celle-ci, veuillez suivre ce lien.

1. Les amis de Bonnie MacLachlan invitent les soumissions en vue d’une séance plénière le mardi 8 mai pour l’honorer à l’occasion de son départ à la retraite. Le thème de cette séance étant les « transitions », nous invitons les communications qui explorent les moments de passage dans la vie des Grecs et des Romains, par exemple la naissance, le mariage et les funérailles, ou les rites de passage à la vie adulte. Les sujets peuvent être littéraires ou inspirés de la culture matérielle, par exemple les traditions catabatiques comme motif mythologique ou de culte, les allusions littéraires aux rites de passage (telles les expériences d’Ulysse ou le rôle de Médée comme initiatrix), les épreuves subies par les jeunes hommes et femmes lors de leurs quêtes, les récits d’événements personnels transformatifs, etc. Faire parvenir votre résumé de 350-500 mots, accompagné d’une bibliographie, à Mme Kelly Olson, professeure (, au plus tard le vendredi 20 janvier 2012.

2. Les Femmes et la Réception des Mondes Antiques : Le Réseau des Femmes / Women’s Network de la SCEC lance un appel à contributions pour la séance de cette année sur le thème « Les Femmes et la Réception des Mondes Antiques ». Nous cherchons à explorer la participation des femmes dans les études des lettres classiques et nous voulons particulièrement comprendre comment les femmes artistes, les savantes et les intellectuelles de l’époque moderne ont construit leur vision du monde antique à travers les arts visuels, la littérature, la culture populaire, le théâtre, le cinéma, les bourses d’études, l’éducation et la pédagogie. Les sujets possibles comprennent, mais ne sont pas limités à : les femmes (auteurs, artistes, dramaturges, etc.) et leurs travaux, intertextualité et « la voix féminine », les problèmes auxquels font face les femmes qui se penchent sur des sujets et des thèmes antiques, et le rôle des femmes dans la formation des études des mondes anciens et leur réception. Les idées proposées dans cet appel à communications sont uniquement des suggestions; les communications sont sollicitées sur tous les domaines qui explorent des femmes et la réception des mondes anciens à l’époque classique. Nous espérons réunir les collaborateurs/trices à travers une grande variété de disciplines, y compris en littérature anglaise, en histoire de l'art, dans les beaux-arts, les arts dramatiques, les études de la femme, la philosophie, et les études religieuses. Nous accueillerons chaleureusement les propositions de communications de personnes en dehors du Canada et d’Amérique du Nord. Faire parvenir votre résumé de 350-500 mots, accompagné d’une bibliographie, à Mme Kelly Olson, professeure (, au plus tard le vendredi 20 janvier 2012. Pour tout complément d’information ou question éventuelle nous vous prions de contacter Judith Fletcher ( ou Lisa Trentin (

3. En plus de ces séances parrainées et des communications régulières, les spécialistes de tout domaine des Études Classiques sont invités à proposer des séances reliées à un sujet spécifique (thème de recherche précis, questions de didactique ou sujets professionnels). Une séance de ce type doit se limiter à un maximum de quatre communications. Les propositions de telles séances doivent être soumises à Mme Kelly Olson, professeure (, au plus tard le vendredi 20 janvier 2012. Elles doivent inclure un titre de séance, une brève explication de son objectif (maximum 200 mots), les noms de tous les participants/participantes et leurs résumés de communication de 300-500 mots respectifs, accompagné d’une bibliographie. Pour participer, vous devez être membre en règle de la Société. Pour adhérer à celle-ci, veuillez suivre ce lien.

Toute question supplémentaire concernant cet appel à communications peut être soumise par courriel à l'adresse avec comme entête «sujet» : «CAC-SCEC question» ou par la poste à : Kelly Olson, Dept. of Classical Studies, Univ. of Western Ontario, Lawson Hall 3227, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B8, Canada.

Pour toute question d'ordre technique liée à l'utilisation de ce site, veuillez communiquer avec Kathleen Beharrell (

Site web du congrès:

Univ. of Western Ontario Classics:


From: Alison Keith

Formal invitation for proposals to host the Annual Meeting in May 2015

I would formally like to invite all university Classics departments and programmes in ATLANTIC CANADA to consider hosting the Annual Meeting in May 2015. All interested departments or programmes are asked to write briefly to the President (at as soon as possible and before January 15, 2012 at the latest to indicate their willingness to host the Annual Meeting in 2015.

Council asks that potential hosts provide a brief rationale why their particular department/programme is interested in hosting the meeting and well placed to do so. Are there any factors which would make a meeting at their institution in the given year particularly appropriate? Would their university be willing to provide support (both financial and logistical) for such a venture? Are there suitable accommodations available (both on-campus residence rooms and moderately priced hotels) in easy reach of the proposed meeting location? Potential volunteers might usefully consult the Guidelines for Annual Meeting document posted on the CAC/SCEC website.

Council plans to discuss possible locations for the 2015 Annual Meeting at its next Council meeting (in February 2012) and to make a firm decision before the Annual Meeting in London in May 2012 at the latest.

As President, I would be happy to discuss this matter informally with any department or programme prior to their making a formal expression of interest in hosting such a meeting. Please feel free to contact me at


Par la présente j'invite officiellement tous les départements et programmes d'études classiques dans les PROVINCES ATLANTIQUES à considérer la possibilité d'organiser le congrès annuel de la SCÉC en mai 2015. Les départements et programmes intéressés devraient communiquer avec la présidente de la SCÉC ( au plus tard le 15 janvier 2012.

Le conseil de la Société s'attend à ce que votre soumission explique brièvement pourquoi votre département ou programme est intéressé à organiser le congrès et quelle est la capacité de votre institution ou département à l'organiser. Existe-t-il des facteurs qui favorisent votre institution à la date prévue ? Est-ce que votre université apportera son soutien financier et/ou logistique ? Est-ce qu'il y a un nombre adéquat de chambres en résidence universitaires et dans les hôtels de prix moyen à proximité du lieu du congrès ? Vous êtes invités à consulter les « Directives générales pour le Congrès Annuel » sur le site Internet de la Société.

Les candidatures pour le congrès de 2015 seront examinées lors de la prochaine réunion du conseil, en février 2012. Une décision finale sera prise au plus tard avant le prochain congrès annuel, en mai 2012 à London.

En tant que présidente, il me fera plaisir de discuter informellement de toute candidature avant une soumission formelle. N'hésitez surtout pas à me contacter:

From: Brad Levett

The editors of Mouseion are pleased to announce a new web site for the journal, located at Please note that the journal is introducing a new author-date style of citation, the details of which can be found on the web page. As always, Mouseion welcomes submissions in French and English in all areas of Classics.

From: Bonnie MacLachlan and Debra Nousek

Winners of the 2011 Undergraduate Essay Competition

Junior Competition

First Prize:
Vanessa di Francesco (Concordia University) “One Man’s problem, Every Man’s Problem: Masculinity Crises in Catullus and Cicero."

Second Prize:
Lukas Lemke (University of Waterloo) “Was the Peloponnesian War Inevitable After 435 BC?“

Third Prize:
Jesse Hill (University of Calgary) “Andromache, Orpheus, and Polyphemus Revisited“ (an analysis of three mythical figures accompanied by original musical compositions)

Senior Competition

First Prize:
Ben Hellings (University of British Columbia) “Early Evidence of Roman Religion in Civitas Batavorum"

Second Prize (tied):
Karine Laporte (Université Laval) “Piété et tyrannie dans l’Histoire des empereurs d’Hérodien: le cas d’Héliogabale" and
Alin Gabriel Mocanu (Université de Montréal) “Vocatio ad cenam et Martial 10”

Honorable Mention:
Amber Jacobs (University of British Columbia) "Matter and Evil in Sethian Gnosticism"

There were 35 submissions this year (six students submitted two papers). Thirteen campuses were represented, and six papers were submitted in French.

From: Jonathan Edmondson


Nous invitons les nominations au Prix du mérite, selon la procédure prescrite par l’article (b) du règlement 13 de la Société. Toutes nominations et demandes de renseignements doivent être addressées au président sortant de la société et président du comité de sélection, M. Jonathan Edmondson, Department of History, 2140 Vari Hall, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 <>. La date limite est le 15 décembre 2011.



We call for nominations for the Award of Merit, in accordance with the procedure outlined in section (b) of Bylaw 13 of the Association. Enquiries and nominations should be addressed to this year’s Past President and Committee chair, Professor Jonathan Edmondson, Department of History, 2140 Vari Hall, York University, Toronto ON M3J 1P3 <>. Note: The deadline for nominations is December 15, 2011.

[2] CCB Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA

No announcement this month / Rien à signaler ce mois-ci

[3] Positions Available / Postes à combler

From: Faith McCord

Wilfrid Laurier University – Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies: Tenure-track position in Roman Archaeology and/or History

The Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies invites applications for a Tenure-Track Appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor, effective July 1, 2012, subject to budgetary approval. We are seeking a candidate with a research specialty in Roman Archaeology and/or History.  We are especially interested in candidates who are connected with an archaeological field school in the Mediterranean World.  The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate courses in Latin, and Classical Archaeology and Civilization. Candidates will have completed a PhD, or be near completion.

Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and a teaching dossier (which includes evidence of teaching effectiveness and a statement of teaching philosophy); these documents must be in English. Applicants should also provide copies of their publications and should arrange for the mailing of three confidential letters of recommendation.  All these materials should be sent to:  Dr. John Triggs, Chair, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, 75 University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON, N2L 3C5.  Application deadline: January 23, 2012.

Wilfrid Laurier University is committed to employment equity and values diversity. We welcome applications from qualified women and men, including persons of all genders and sexual orientations, persons with disabilities, Aboriginal persons, and persons of a visible minority. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.

Members of the designated groups must self-identify to be considered for employment equity. Candidates may self-identify, in confidence, to the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Michael Carroll (  Further information on the equity policy can be found at

[4] Calls for Papers; Conference & Lecture Announcements / Conférences; appels à communications

From: Cindy G Levesque

Memories of the Past: An archaeological, historical and literary perspective

March 10th and 11th, 2012

Deadline for Submissions: February 1st, 2012

Keynote Speaker:  Dr. Lisa Nevett, University of Michigan

The Classics Society of the University of New Brunswick is hosting an interdisciplinary graduate and senior undergraduate student conference on March 10th and 11th, 2012 (Saturday and Sunday). The conference will be held in memory of Dr. John Geyssen, Department of Classics and Ancient History.

This year’s conference focuses on memories. Through the study of material remains and textual sources of past societies we are able to retrieve and preserve lost memories. With the aid of new technological advancements and methods of analysis, new insights and interpretations are offered that enhance our image of the past.

Topics may include, but are not limited to, housing, burial practice, battle tactics, art, architecture, gender studies, etc., from ancient to modern times and from all disciplines (Anthropology, Archaeology, Archaeological Sciences, Art History, Classical Studies, History, Media Studies, etc.).

The goal of this year’s conference is to provide a forum for understanding the collective role that all disciplines (humanities, social sciences and sciences) play in recording our past.

Submissions: Please send a 250-word abstract with your name, current level and program of study, affiliated university and email to

For inquiries please contact the coordinator, Cindy G Levesque:

From: William den Hollander

Call for Papers: From the Inside Looking Out: Alterity and Creating the Other in Ancient History

The 1st Annual Graduate Conference in Ancient History of the Joint Collaborative Programme in Ancient Greek and Roman History (University of Toronto and York University) will take place on April 27-28, 2012.

Keynote Speaker: Sara Forsdyke, University of Michigan.

The historical record is full of places, people, and practices characterized as strange or somehow different from the predominant cultural groups of any given time. Most often these reputations are created by those within the mainstream as they attempt to articulate how these outsider groups are distinctive from themselves. This conference will focus on how the identities of such groups are created, communicated, and disseminated to become something that is considered strange, alien or in some way peculiar. How did people in the ancient world perceive people, places and practices that were "strange" to them? How are these perceptions manifested and transmitted in the historical record? Finally, since the creation of such identities affects our own modern perception of these "others", what lasting effects and prejudices do these portrayals engender in the treatment of such marginalized groups within contemporary scholarship?

We welcome and encourage submissions from all areas and aspects of ancient history, including but not limited to history of religion, material culture, social history, anthropology, iconography and historiography. Interested graduate students and post-doctoral fellows are invited to submit titled abstracts of up to 250 words for papers of approximately 15-20 minutes in length to before January 15, 2012. For more information on the Joint Collaborative Programme in Ancient Greek and Roman History please follow this link.

ColPAH Graduate Conference Organizing Committee

From: Philippa Bather

Ego primos iambos ostendi Latio: Re-evaluating Horace’s Epodes

Horace proclaims his Epodes an innovative triumph (ego primos iambos/ ostendi Latio, Ep. 1.19.23f.) yet until very recently they have remained in the gutter of the Augustan canon; this unashamedly low poetry collection has suffered an equally low status in scholarship.  For some Horace’s uncompromising iambic persona seems too unsavoury for ‘serious’ study; for others the Epodes pale in comparison with his Odes and are dismissed as the product of Horace’s poetic early years (the B-Side to the Satires).  Contemporary scholarship, however, is beginning to readdress the balance: three commentaries on the collection (Cavarzere, Mankin, Watson), in addition to important studies on the collection’s unity, representations of the Horatian persona(e), and consideration of the Epodes’ relationship to the Greek iambic tradition have helped to revive critical interest in Horace’s Epodes.

This conference seeks to build on this work with the aim of rehabilitating the Epodes as poems with a complex literary texture. In particular, it seeks to address the relationship of the Epodes to Horace’s other generically ‘lowly’ poetry, the Satires 1-2 and his Epistles 1-2, and also to re-evaluate the collection’s relationship to Horace’s poetic contemporaries and near-contemporaries.  As such, this conference will situate itself in relation to the flourishing contemporary critical interest in Horace’s hexameter works (Sat. 1-2; Ep. 1-2), and the predominant intertextual reading practices of Augustan literary scholarship.

Call for Papers:
Papers on any aspect of the Epodes are invited, but particularly welcome are those papers which relate the Epodes to Horace’s Satires and Epistles, and which consider aspects of intertextuality with Republican and Augustan poetry. This conference will take place on Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd of July 2012.

Keynote speakers are Emily Gowers and Ellen Oliensis.

Topics may include but are by no means limited to:
Epodes and Horace’s Satires 1-2
Epodes and Horace’s Epistles 1-2
Epodes and Lucilius
Epodes and Catullus
Epodes and the Roman Love Elegists
Epodes and Phaedrus
Epodes and Augustan Rome
• Horace’s relationship with literary tradition
• Horace’s career trajectory

Please submit a title and abstract of 300 words to Dr Philippa Bather ( by 30th December 2011.

From: Rune Frederiksen


Conference on the Research of Fortifications in Antiquity
6–9 December 2012 at the Danish Institute at Athens
Organized by the International Research Network Fokus Fortifikation (DFG)

– Call for Papers –

The International Research Network Fokus Fortifikation (Deutches Archäologisches Institut/Freie Universität Berlin,TOPOI/funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) has in a three years period of innovative work discussed several research-topics on and around fortifications in Antiquity. The Network now aims to present and debate its preliminary results in the context of a major international conference. Rather than merely focus on the role fortifications played as utilitarian military architecture, a major objective of the conference is to highlight fortifications as consciously structured elements within the built space of ancient societies. Fortifications served functions on various levels which are reflected in their individual configuration and form, and which are connected directly to their actual historical and political contexts. In addition, fortifications are embedded in regional contexts of various extension and are thus always to be understood as products of specific practical conditions such as the available resources in the local natural environment, financing, as well as the technical knowhow of the allocated workforce.

The Network happily invites archaeologists, architectural historians, historians and other specialists working on ancient fortifications to send proposals for talks that present new research in the topical framework set out above, be it based on archaeological, written, or other types of source material. Although the Network has its main focus on ancient Greek fortifications in the eastern Mediterranean, researchers working on fortifications of all ancient cultures of the ancient Mediterranean and Asia Minor are encouraged to send proposals.

The following sessions are planned (for a detailed description, follow the link provided below)
       1.     Origins of Fortifications in the Eastern Mediterranean
       2.     Physical Surroundings and Technique: The Building Experience
       3.     Function and Semantics
       4.     Historical Context
       5.     The Fortification of Regions
       6.     Regionally Confined Phenomena

The individual sessions will be composed of a mix of speakers drawn from Network members, invited speakers, and the submitted abstracts. Members of the Network will act as session chairs. Talks will be of 20 min. length, followed by a brief discussion. A longer discussion will conclude each session.

Procedure and practicalities: Abstracts of a maximum of 500 words and with clear indication of which of the six sessions it relates to must be submitted to Sine Riisager ( in the Danish Institute no later than 31 December 2011. The selection of abstracts will be announced by 31 January 2012. We ask for innovative contributions according to the conference objectives and the session topics described below.

The organizers envisage a publication that will be issued as soon as possible after the conference. Thus, all speakers will be asked to submit an article version of their talk one week before the conference at the latest. After the conference, authors will be given a period of two months to modify their submitted articles.

The organizers hope to raise funds to cover travel and accommodation costs for speakers but cannot promise to take care of all such expenses at this stage.

The conference will take place in the Danish Institute at Athens, Herefondos 14, 10558, Athens, Greece, from Thursday 6 December (2012) ca. 2 pm to Sunday 9 December ca. 2 pm, and will include an introductory lecture and reception on the evening of Friday December 7.

Organisation committee: Dr Rune Frederiksen (Danish Institute at Athens), Dr Silke Müth (Athens), Dr Peter Schneider (DAI Berlin, Architekturreferat) and Dipl.-Ing. Mike Schnelle (DAI Berlin, Orient-Abteilung).

Cooperating institutions: German Archaeological Institute (DAI) / Division of Building Archaeology (Berlin) and Athens Department, and the Danish Institute at Athens (DIA).

Conference languages: English, German and French.

For further information see also

[5] Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses et concours

From: William Dominik

Otago Postgraduate Scholarships

The University of Otago offers 180 PhD scholarships and 60 MA awards each year. Scholarships are valued at NZ$20,000 or NZ$25,000 per annum for PhD students and NZ$13,000 for MA students. All these scholarships are available to international and New Zealand students of Classics. The Department of Classics also offers the Bruggeman Postgraduate Scholarship for MA students. International students (whether receiving a scholarship or not) pay only New Zealand domestic fees. A particularly attractive feature of these scholarships and awards is that applications may be made at any time during the year and the starting date is flexible.

Each year overseas students in Classics are successful in obtaining these scholarships. In recent years the Department of Classics has had students who have received scholarships to complete MA and PhDs from countries such as the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Germany and Italy. The Department normally offers one or more Teaching Fellowships with teaching responsibilities in introductory Greek or Latin (usual qualification: an MA in Classics). Some tutoring positions in Classical Studies are also available and some research assistantships may be available.

Academic staff are active in research in the following areas: Greek and Roman literature, Classical art, Greek mythology, Greek and Roman history. Initial enquiries should be sent to

[6] Summer Study, Field School, Online Courses / Cours d'été, écoles de terrain, cours "en ligne"

From: André Gonciar

Archaeological Field Opportunities in Transylvania (Romania)

Sitting at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, Transylvania plays a fundamental role in the development of the European world. By its geographic location, it is situated on the main migration axes in and out of Europe and, as a result, became a very dynamic zone of culture synthesis. At the same time, not only it has the largest salt concentration in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, but it also provides easy access to massive deposits of copper, tin, iron, gold and coal. Thus, it is not surprising that some of the greatest European prehistoric civilizations nested in the region, from the Late Neolithic Ariusd-Cucuteni, to the Classical Middle Bronze Age Wietenberg and Noua, to the Iron Age Dacians. Historically, due to its resources and strategic position, Transylvania was the point of convergence of all European and Near-Eastern Empires, from the Romans to the Ottomans. Our Transylvanian field archaeology and bioarchaeology/osteology projects give students and volunteers a unique chance to explore the evolution of the Old World, from the Early Bronze Age to the Roman Empire.

Excavation: Tureni Canyons
Location: Tureni, Cluj County (Southern Transylvania), Romania
Period: Cotofeni, Copaceni (Early Bronze Age), Wietenberg (Classical Bronze Age)
Excavation dates: July 15 - August 11, 2012
More information:
Contact e-mail:

Excavation: Dacian Acropolis - Piatra Detunata / Durduia
Location: Racos Commune, Brasov County (Southern Transylvania), Romania
Period: Wietenberg (Bronze Age), Hallstatt, LaTene (Iron Age)
Excavation dates: June 3 - July 7, 2012
More information:
Contact e-mail:

Excavation: Sarmizegetusa Ulpia Traiana – Roman Capital of the Dacian Provinces
Location: Sarmizegetusa, Hunedoara County (Southern Transylvania), Romania
Period: Imperial Roman
Excavation dates: July 8 - August 7, 2012
More information:
Contact e-mail:

Workshop: Osteological analysis of migratory paleo-populations
Location: Cluj Napoca, Transylvania, Romania
Workshop Session 1: June 03 – June 30, 2012
Workshop Session 2: July 01 – July 28, 2012
More information:
Contact e-mail:

For more information, visit

André Gonciar
Field Director

[7] Varia (including members' new books and doctoral dissertations /
dont les nouveaux livres et thèses de doctorat des membres)

From: Guy Chamberland

A memorial service for Frederick Winter will be held

at the University of Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies
59 Queen's Park Crescent E
on Friday Dec. 2 at 4:15.

R.W. Burgess, Chronicles, Consuls, and Coins: Historiography and History in the Later Roman Empire (Ashgate 2011).

Patricia Clark, A Cretan Healer's Handbook in the Byzantine Tradition. Text, Translation and Commentary (Ashgate 2011).

From: Mark Walker

Salvete omnes!

The new issue of VATES is now available to read or download. I hope you enjoy it – and don't forget to tell your friends if you do.



From: Accademia Vivarium Novum

UNESCO has recognized the Garifuna language, the oral traditions of the people of Zapera, and the Semeiskie language as “the immaterial heritage of humanity”. We are very fortunate on this account because every defended and thereby saved culture is a tremendous resource and a veritable treasure for the whole world. No one is able to deny that the Latin and Ancient Greek languages qualify as part of the priceless immaterial patrimony of mankind. These languages have passed down philosophical, scientific, iuridical, and literary culture through the ages not only to Europe but to the whole world. We believe, therefore, that they are also worthy to be included by UNESCO as part of the immaterial patrimony of humanity. If you agree, please sign this petition so that the Latin and Ancient Greek languages may obtain this recognition:

L'UNESCO a déjà reconnu comme “patrimoine immatériel de l'humanité” la langue Garifuna, les traditions orales des Zápara et la langue des Semeiskie. Nous en sommes contents, car chaque culture défendue et sauvée est une ressource et une richesse inestimable pour ce monde. Personne ne peut nier que le latin et le grec forment un patrimoine immatériel on ne peut plus précieux pour l'humanité toute entière à laquelle elles ont rendu service durant des siècles en véhiculant toute sa culture philosophique, scientifique, juridique et littéraire, et ce même en dehors du sol Européen. Souvenons-nous donc qu'elles aussi méritent d'être reprises dans la liste du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. Si vous le croyez aussi, signez cette pétition pour que ces langues obtiennent la reconnaissance qui leur est due:

Cum quidem indicem earum rerum scrutaremur, quas consociatio omnium gentium cultui humanitatique provehendis, vulgo UNESCO, in patrimonium totius generis humani recepisset, sermones gentium, quae suis linguis Garifuna atque Semeiskie appelantur, una cum fabulis populi Zapara praesenti sermone traditis invenimus. Quod quidem nos magno gaudio affecit, cum toto animo credamus omnem cultum, quicumque posteritati adservatur, ad ditandam humani generis varietatem ac memoriam haud parum facere posse. Nemo autem erit quin sermonem tum Graecorum, tum etiam Romanorum hereditatem, licet non sensibus apparentem, toti humano generi magni aestimandam affirmet. Etenim innumera philosophorum praecepta una cum naturalibus inquisitionibus, iuris institutionibus ac litterarum monumentis sunt per saeculorum decursum his duabus linguis illustrata. Itaque firmiter censemus atque contendimus utrumque nostrorum maiorum sermonem in hoc patrimonio numerandum esse. Quodsi tu quoque nobiscum sentis, praecamur incepto calculum adicias nomen tuum huic petitioni adscribens: