The Canadian Classical Bulletin — Le Bulletin canadien des Études anciennes
18.10        2012–06–17        ISSN 1198-9149

Editor / rédacteur: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian University)

webpage / page web

Newsletter of the Classical Association of Canada
Bulletin de la Société canadienne des Études classiques

President / président: Patrick Baker (Université Laval)
Secretary / secrétaire: Guy Chamberland (Laurentian University)
Treasurer / trésorière: Ingrid Holmberg (University of Victoria)

Contents / Sommaire

[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de la Société
• Mouseion Logo Contest / Créez un logo pour Mouseion
• CAC Undergraduate Essay Contest 2012 / Concours de dissertations de premier cycle 2012

[2] CCB Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA
• A message from the Editor / Bref message du rédacteur

[3] Positions Available / Postes à combler
• Mt Allison: Several courses

[4] Calls for Papers; Conference & Lecture Announcements / Conférences; appels à communications
• UWaterloo: Reception of the Homeric Hymns in Latin and Later Greek Literature

[5] Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses et concours
• Academy Vivarium Novum, Rome: Full tuition scholarships

[6] Summer Study, Field Schools, Online Courses / Cours d'été, écoles de terrain, cours "en ligne"
• No announcement this month / Rien à signaler ce mois-ci

[7] Varia (including members' new books / dont les nouveaux livres des membres)
• Latest issue of Vates: The Journal of New Latin Poetry
• Four new books in this issue / Quatre nouveaux livres ce mois-ci

[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de la Société

From: Brad Levett

The editors of Mouseion are seeking an image to serve as the journal’s logo and would like to solicit the help of our creative colleagues and students within the larger Classics community. We are looking for a graphic to serve as the visual sign of the journal, which will be included in all issues and on all forms of correspondence (letterheads, business cards, etc.). The image should be one that can be reproduced clearly at smaller sizes (1” x 1”), although the journal will have the image professionally prepared by a graphic artist based upon the winner’s design in order to ensure quality-level. Note that above all else we are looking for an image that is distinctive and memorable, and it need not adhere to past exempla. The winner of the contest will be required to sign over rights to the graphic to Mouseion, but as compensation will receive both kleos and chremata in the form of acknowledgement as the creator of the logo in the journal, and in the form of a monetary prize of $250 CAN. Entries can be submitted to the editor at The contest will close September 2012.

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L'équipe éditoriale de Mouseion est à la recherche d'une image qui servira de logo à la revue. Nous invitons nos collègues et étudiants les plus créatifs à soumettre leur proposition. Puisque l'image sera reproduite non seulement sur tous les fascicules de la revue mais aussi sur le papier à lettres et les cartes d'affaires, il faudra qu'elle soit facile à reproduire clairement en petit format (1” x 1”). L'image gagnante, qui sera retravaillée par un graphiste professionnel, devrait être distinctive et mémorable, mais il n'est pas nécessaire qu'elle s'inspire des graphismes employés dans le passé pour la revue. Le gagnant ou la gagnante devra céder le droit de propriété de sa création à la revue. En revanche, il ou elle se méritera le kleos et les chremata puisque son nom sera reconnu dans la revue comme celui du créateur et qu'il ou elle recevra un prix de $250. Faites parvenir votre soumission au rédacteur de la revue à cette adresse: Le concours prendra fin en septembre 2012.

CAC Undergraduate Essay Contest 2012 / Concours de dissertations de premier cycle de la SCÉC — 2012

From: Bonnie MacLachlan

The CAC announces this year's essay competition, open to undergraduate students taking Classics courses at Canadian universities.
There are two separate competitions, junior and senior, governed by the level of Classics courses for which essays were written.
The full details for the contest can be found at:

Please note:

  • The deadline is August 31, 2012
  • Essays are to be submitted by either the student or the instructor, and may be up to 50 pages in length
  • Essays should be submitted as they were for the course, without revisions/corrections
  • The essay itself should be submitted without identification of the writer – with only the title on the covering page
  • A separate entry should accompany the essay, containing: (i) the name of the student, (ii) his/her institution, (iii) the level of competition for which the essay should be judged and (iv) the submitting instructor (if applicable)

Bonnie MacLachlan (University of Western Ontario)

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La SCÉC annonce la compétition annuelle de dissertations au niveau du premier cycle. Les étudiants qui désirent participer doivent avoir pris des cours en études anciennes dans une université canadienne au cours de l'année académique 2011/12. Pour tous les détails concernant ce concours, veuillez consulter la page qui lui est consacrée sur le site de la SCÉC:

Veuillez prendre note que:

  • la date limite de soumission est le 31 août 2012
  • les dissertations peuvent être soumises par l'étudiant ou l'enseignant, et ne pas dépasser 50 pages
  • les dissertations devraient être soumises telles quelles, sans aucune révision ou correction
  • les dissertations ne devraient pas identifier l'auteur sur la page titre ou ailleurs dans le texte
  • il faut soumettre une page supplémentaire avec (i) le nom de l'étudiant, (ii) son institution, (iii) le niveau de la compétition ("junior" ou "senior": voir la page web), et (iv) le nom de l'enseignant qui soumet le travail (le cas échéant).

Bonnie MacLachlan (University of Western Ontario)

[2] CCB Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA

Please note that the next regular issue of the Bulletin may appear later than July 15th. If you have any important and time-sensitive announcements to make, please send them to me by June 26th in order to prepare a special issue (if necessary).

Puisqu'il est possible que le prochain numéro régulier du Bulletin paraisse plusieurs jours après la date normale du 15 juillet, veuillez me faire parvenir tout message important et sensible au facteur temps au plus tard le 26 juin pour la préparation d'un numéro spécial (si nécessaire).

[3] Positions Available / Postes à combler


From: Bruce Robertson

[Editor's note: To apply for these courses, please use the address at the end of this announcement. Review of applications will begin on June 22, 2012.]

The Department of Classics at Mount Allison University invites applications from persons interested in teaching LATI2001 (Intermediate Latin) during the Fall term of 2012. This course entails the completion of a course of introductory grammar, syntax and vocabulary based on the Wheelock series and introduces students to the reading of unadapted passages from ancient authors. Preference will be given to applicants with a PhD and prior teaching experience. The course involves three contact hours of class time per week. The anticipated class size is between 5 and 10 students. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae which lists references to three academic referees.

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The Department of Classics at Mount Allison University invites applications from persons interested in teaching a combined class of LATI3101 and LATI4001 (Readings in Latin Poetry) during the Winter term of 2013. This course entails the translation and study of one or more verse authors in Latin. Preference will be given to applicants with a PhD and prior teaching experience. The course involves three contact hours of class time per week. The anticipated class size is between 5 and 10 students. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae which lists references to three academic referees.

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The Department of Classics at Mount Allison University invites applications from persons interested in teaching either LATI1101 or CLAS3211 (Introduction Latin II or Greek and Roman Comedy) during the Winter term of 2013. LATI1101 is a continuation of the study of the Latin language the completion of a course of introductory grammar, syntax and vocabulary based on the Wheelock series. CLAS3211 is a study of Greek and Roman comic drama (in translation) as represented by the work of Aristophanes, Menander, Plautus, and Terence. Preference will be given to applicants with a PhD and prior teaching experience. The course involves three contact hours of class time per week. The anticipated class size of LATI1101is between 20 and 30 students. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae which lists references to three academic referees.

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The Department of Classics at Mount Allison University invites applications from persons interested in teaching a combined course of LATI3001 and LATI4001 (Readings in Latin Prose) during the Fall term of 2012. This course entails the translation and study of the work of Petronius. Preference will be given to applicants with a PhD and prior teaching experience. The course involves three contact hours of class time per week. The anticipated class size is between 5 and 10 students. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae which lists references to three academic referees.

Dr. Bruce Robertson
Department of Classics
Mount Allison University
63D York St.
Sackville, NB E4L 1G9
Fax: 506-364-2695

[4] Calls for Papers; Conference & Lecture Announcements / Conférences; appels à communications

Call for Papers: Reception of the Homeric Hymns in Latin and Later Greek Literature
University of Waterloo, Ontario Canada, Aug. 8–11, 2013

From: Andrew Faulkner

The significance of early hexameter hymns and their narratives for Latin and later Greek literature has been appreciated occasionally in previous scholarship (A. Barchiesi ‘Venus’ Masterplot: Ovid and the Homeric Hymns’ 1999 issued a call for future work on the Hymns’ influence on Ovid, which has yet to be fully heeded; cf. also S. Hinds The Metamorphosis of Persephone 1987). But there has been no concentrated effort to bring together a fuller picture of the later layers of their reception. We invite proposals for papers on the reception of the Homeric Hymns (and related hexameter texts: e.g. cosmologies and philosophical texts) in Latin and later Greek literature. In Greek the focus will be on reception in Hellenistic, Imperial and Late Antique texts, with the exception of primary reception in Callimachus, Theocritus, and Apollonius, as their corpora have already been well treated in this respect. Reception will be defined broadly in the volume (linguistic or thematic allusion, intertextuality, adaptation of the form, performance, reception in visual arts, etc.).

The first stage of this project will consist of a workshop held at the University of Waterloo, in Ontario Canada (Aug. 8-11, 2013). The workshop will include about 20 participants, each of whom will present first drafts of papers in progress for discussion by the group. The second stage of the project will be the publication of these papers in a volume. Participants would therefore be asked to prepare their conference presentations as for publication, which can then be refined through discussion at the workshop. We would seek final versions of the papers, whose length should be approximately 8,000 – 10,000 words, by the end of December 2013.

If you are interested, please send an abstract (ca. 350 words) by email to either Andrew Faulkner ( or Athanassios Vergados ( by August 20, 2012.

Confirmed speakers include:

Gianfranco Agosti (Università degli studi di Udine)
Matthew Carter (University of Western Ontario)
James Clauss (University of Washington)
Jenny Strauss Clay (University of Virginia)
Andrew Faulkner (University of Waterloo)
Alison Keith (University of Toronto)
John F. Miller (University of Virginia)
Anne-France Morand (Université Laval)
Nicholas Richardson (University of Oxford)
Andreas Schwab (Universität Heidelberg)
Christos Simelidis (Aristotle University of Thessalonike)
Oliver Thomas (University of Cambridge)
R. M. Van den Berg (Universiteit Leiden)
Athanassios Vergados (University of Tennessee-Knoxville)

[5] Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses et concours

Announcement of Competition
Latin, Greek and Humanities at the Academy Vivarium Novum in Rome – Italy
Academic year 2012-2013

The Academy Vivarium Novum is offering ten full tuition scholarships for high school students of the European Union (16-18 years old) and ten full tuition scholarships for University students (18-24 years old) of any part of the world. The scholarships will cover all of the costs of room, board, teaching and didactic materials for courses to be held from October 8, 2012 until June 15, 2013 on the grounds of the Academy’s campus at Rome.

Application letters must be sent to by June 30th in order to receive consideration.

A good knowledge of the fundamental of Latin and Greek is required.

The courses will be as follows:

Latin language (fundamental and advanced)
Greek language (fundamental and advanced)
Latin composition
Roman History
Ancient Latin literature
History of ancient Philosophy
Renaissance and Neo-Latin literature
Latin and Greek music and poetry
Classics reading seminars

The goal is to achieve a perfect command of both Latin and Greek through a total immersion in the two languages. All the classes will be conducted in Latin, except for Greek classes which will be conducted in Greek.

In the letter the prospective student should indicate the following:

1. Full name;

2. Date and location of birth;

3. What school you currently attend;

4. How long you have studied Latin and/or Greek;

5. Which authors and works you have read;

6. Other studies and primary interests outside of school.

In addition, please attach a recent passport/ID photograph.

(For more information about the Academy, you may visit the website

[6] Summer Study, Field School, Online Courses / Cours d'été, écoles de terrain, cours "en ligne"

No announcement this month / Rien à signaler ce mois-ci

[7] Varia (including members' new books / dont les nouveaux livres des membres)

From: Mark Walker
Saluete omnes!
The new issue (#5) of Vates: The Journal of New Latin Poetry is now available in pdf format here:
Please do forward this on to any interested parties. And do please also consider contributing something to future issues.

Martin Beckmann, Diva Faustina. Coinage and Cult in Rome and the Provinces (Numismatic Studies 26, 2012). ISBN 978-0-89722-322-5. ISSN 051-7404-X. 184 pages, 36 plates, 18 die-charts

Aristotle, Volume XVI. Problems, Volume II: Books 20-38. Rhetoric to Alexander (Loeb Classical Library 317). Edited and translated by Robert Mayhew and David C. Mirhady. Cambridge, MA, 2011. ISBN 9780674996564

Mark Sundahl, David Mirhady, Ilias Arnaoutoglou, A New Working Bibliography of Ancient Greek Law (7th-4th centuries BC). Yearbook of the Research Centre for the History of Greek Law, volume 42. Supplement 11. Athens: Academy of Athens, 2011. ISBN 9789604041985. [Editor's note: Here is a link is to Judith Fletcher's BMCR review. As of May 28th, I wasn't able to find this book on the publisher's website.]

Praxiphanes of Mytilene and Chamaelon of Heraclea: Text, Translation, and Discussion. Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities (RUSCH), Volume 18. Andrea Martano, David C. Mirhady, Elisabetta Matelli, Editors. New Brunswick, NJ, 2012. ISBN: 978-1-4128-4747-6.

Next regular issue   2012–07–15 / Prochaine livraison régulière   2012–07–15

Send submissions to
Pour nous faire parvenir vos soumissions:

Place the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading. Please send announcements in an editable format (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). The editor typically does not allow attachments; provide a link to posters, flyers, &c.

Écrivez le mot SOUMISSION sur la ligne "sujet". Veuillez envoyer les annonces dans un format éditable (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). En général le rédacteur ne permet pas les pièces jointes; insérez les liens à toutes affiches, circulaires, etc.