The Canadian Classical Bulletin — Le Bulletin canadien des Études anciennes
24.08        2018–06–22        ISSN 1198-9149

Editor / rédacteur: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian)

webpage / page web / Twitter

Newsletter of the Classical Association of Canada
Bulletin de la Société canadienne des Études classiques

President / président: Mark Joyal (University of Manitoba)
Secretary / secrétaire: James Chlup (University of Manitoba)
Treasurer / trésorière: Pauline Ripat (University of Winnipeg)

Contents / Sommaire

[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de la Société
  • Graduate Student Presentation Prize / Prix pour la meilleure communication présentée par un(e) étudiant(e)
  • Women's Network new Executive Committee / Nouveau bureau exécutif du Réseau des femmes
  • John Geyssen Fund 2018 / Fonds John-Geyssen 2018
  • Equity Committee survey 2018 / Sondage du Comité d'équité 2018
  • Prize for the Best PhD Dissertation / Prix pour la meilleure thèse de doctorat
[2] CCB Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA
  • Upcoming issues / Fascicules à venir
[3] Positions Available / Postes à combler
  • Mount Allison: part-time appointments
  • St Mary's: part-time instructor(s)
[4] Conferences & Lectures; Calls for Papers / Conférences; appels à communications
  • Atlantic Classical Association: CFP Annual Meeting 2018
  • FIEC: call for panels and posters
  • ASCS 2019: call for papers
[5] Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses et concours
  • No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci
[6] Summer Study, Field Schools, Special Programmes / Cours d'été et écoles de terrain, programmes spécialisés
  • No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci
[7] Varia (including members' new books / dont les nouveaux livres des membres)
  • "The teaching of Classical Archaeology and Ancient Culture at the University of Helsinki must continue!"

[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de la Société


From Allison Glazebrook

Congratulations to Drew Davis (University of Toronto), who won the Graduate Student Presentation Prize for delivering the best paper at the annual meeting (University of Calgary): “‘For Here We Have No Gentlemen’: Reinterpreting the Classics at the University of Toronto (1842-1947).”

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Félicitations à Drew Davis (University of Toronto) qui a gagné le prix pour la meilleure communication présentée par un(e) étudiant(e) de deuxième/troisième cycle au congrès annuel (Université de Calgary): « 'For Here We Have No Gentlemen': Reinterpreting the Classics at the University of Toronto (1842-1947) ».


From / De Kathryn Simonsen

The Women's Network of the Classical Association of Canada is pleased to announce the new Executive Committee for 2018/2019:

President – Kathryn Simonsen (Memorial University)
Vice-President – Lisa Hughes (University of Calgary)
Secretary – Emily Varto (Dalhousie University)
Communications Officer – Victoria Austen-Perry (King's College London)

For more information on the Women's Network of the CAC, please see our website.

You can also find us on Facebook (Women's Network of the CAC) and Twitter (@wn_cac).

To join our mailing list, please email

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Le Réseau des femmes de la Société canadienne des Études classiques est heureuse d'annoncer la composition de son bureau exécutif en 2018/19:

Présidente – Kathryn Simonsen (Université Memorial)
Vice-présidente – Lisa Hughes (Université de Calgary)
Secrétaire – Emily Varto (Université Dalhousie)
Chargée de communication – Victoria Austen-Perry (King's College London)

Pour en savoir plus sur le Réseau des femmes, veuillez visiter notre site web.

Le Réseau a aussi sa page Facebook (Women's Network of the CAC) et son compte Twitter (@wn_cac).

Pour vous inscrire sur notre liste de diffusion, contactez-nous:


From / De Pauline Ripat

Thanks to all donors to the John Geyssen Fund for their generous support. Geyssen subsidies were distributed to Departments at the University of Victoria and York University this year to offset the costs of hosting the CAC annual lecture tours.

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Merci à tous les donateurs et donatrices au Fonds John Geyssen pour leur généreux dons. Cette année, un soutien financier a été distribué aux départements à l’Université de Victoria et à l’Université York pour compenser les coûts de l’organisation des tournées de conférences annuelles de la SCÉC.


From Allison Glazebrook

You can find a summary of the results of the 2018 equity survey undertaken by the CAC Equity Committee at

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Vous trouverez un document de synthèse du sondage réalisé cette année par le Comité d'équité de la SCÉC en suivant ce lien:


From / De Mark Joyal

The Classical Association of Canada is pleased to announce the fourth competition for the CAC Prize for the Best PhD Dissertation by a member of the CAC/SCEC in Classics, Ancient History, Classical Archaeology, or Ancient Philosophy accepted for a doctoral degree at a Canadian university.

The prize is awarded biennially at the Annual Meeting of the Association for an outstanding dissertation in Classics, Ancient History, Classical Archaeology, or Ancient Philosophy written by a paid-up member of the CAC/SCÉC and accepted for a doctoral degree at a Canadian university. The fourth award will be made in May 2019, in Hamilton, at the Association's Annual Meeting. This will recognize the best dissertation accepted during the period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2018. The value of the prize is $500.

Professor Mark Joyal
BY DECEMBER 10, 2018

Each nomination must include the following:

  1. an electronic copy of the dissertation in PDF format;
  2. a letter from the university's Faculty of Graduate Studies attesting that the dissertation was accepted for the doctoral degree during the period under consideration;
  3. a letter of nomination from the Department Head, Chair, or Graduate Programme Director, explaining the specific merits and originality of the dissertation. Where a department submits more than one dissertation, the Department Head, Chair, or Graduate Programme Director should forward a separate memorandum addressing the relative merits of the various submissions.

The adjudication committee consists of five members: the immediate Past President (as Chair of the committee), one other member of Council (co-opted by the Past President), and three members-at-large of the Association nominated by the Nominating Committee for election by the membership in the year that nominations are due.

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La Société canadienne des Études classiques (SCEC/CAC) est heureuse d'annoncer la quatrième édition du prix pour la meilleure thèse de doctorat soumise par un(e) membre de la SCÉC en lettres classiques, en histoire ancienne, en archéologie classique ou en philosophie antique et acceptée pour le doctorat dans une université du Canada.

Le prix est décerné tous les deux ans à l’assemblée générale de la Société pour la thèse la plus remarquable en lettres classiques, en histoire ancienne, en archéologie classique ou en philosophie antique écrite par un(e) membre en règle de la SCEC/CAC et acceptée pour le doctorat dans une université au Canada. Le troisième prix sera attribué en mai 2019 au congrès annuel de la Société, à Hamilton, pour la meilleure thèse acceptée au cours de la période allant du 1er juillet 2016 au 30 juin 2018. En 2019 la valeur du prix sera de 500 $.

M. Mark Joyal, professeur

Chaque candidature doit comprendre les éléments suivants:

  1. une copie numérique de la thèse de doctorat en format PDF ;
  2. une lettre officielle de la Faculté des études supérieures attestant que la thèse a été acceptée pour l'obtention du doctorat au cours de la période sous considération ;
  3. une lettre de nomination du directeur du département ou du programme d'études supérieures, en expliquant les mérites spécifiques et l'originalité de la thèse. Lorsqu'un département fait valoir plus d'une thèse, le directeur du département ou du programme d’études supérieures doit joindre une note explicative supplémentaire sur les mérites relatifs des diverses thèses mises en nomination.

Le comité de sélection est composé de cinq membres : le président sortant de la SCÉC/CAC (en tant que président du comité), un(e) autre membre du Conseil co-opté(e) par le président sortant, et trois membres à titre individuel de l'Association nommés par le Comité des candidatures pour élection par les membres de la Société dans l'année de la demande de candidatures.

[2] CCB Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA


From the Editor / Du rédacteur

Here is your June issue of the Bulletin – a little later than planned, but with the expectation that I may produce at most one more regular issue this summer. If necessary, I will post special issues for time-sensitive announcements. Have a great summer and remember to update your contact information if you start in a new position in the Fall.

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Le fascicule de juin du Bulletin vous parvient un peu plus tard que prévu, mais sachant qu'il n'y aura probablement qu'une seule autre livraison régulière d'ici la fin août. Profitez bien de l'été et n'oubliez pas de mettre à jour vos informations de contact si vous commencez un nouvel emploi à l'automne.

[3] Positions Available / Postes à combler


From Bruce Robertson

The Department of Classics at Mount Allison University invites applications from persons interested in teaching, by stipendiary (part time) appointment, the following courses during the Fall and Winter terms:

  • CLAS-3201-A Greek Tragedy (3 credits)
    Anticipated enrollment 30 students
    Fall 2018 semester
    Tuesday, Thursday 1:00PM-2:20PM
  • CLAS/HIST-3001-A Democracy and Imperialism in Classical Greece (3 credits)
    Anticipated enrollment 30 students
    Winter 2019 semester
    Tuesday, Thursday 11:30AM - 12:50PM

Preference will be given to applicants with a PhD in Classics and teaching experience in the field. Each course involves approximately 3 hours of class time per week, and will take place in Sackville, New Brunswick. Candidates should send a letter of application, a current curriculum vitae, and the names of 3 references to:

Dr. Bruce Robertson
Head and Chair of the Search Committee
Department of Classics
Mount Allison University
63D York St.
Sackville, NB E4L 1G9
Tel: 506-364-2695
Fax: 506- 364-2645

Consideration of applications will commence on June 27th.


From Alison Barclay

The Department of Modern Languages and Classics is seeking instructor(s) to teach the following which will be offered during the 2018/2019 academic year:

  • CLAS 1001.1 – Anc Civ Mesopotamia & Egypt – 16423 – Monday and Wednesday 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm
  • CLAS 2500.1 – War & Society in Ancient Med – 16426 – Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm

We require that candidates have at least a Masters Degree in Classics or a related field, and a demonstrated record of success at university-level teaching.

In accordance with CUPE Local 3912 Collective agreement (16.06), priority will be given to part-time faculty colleagues who are on the Department’s precedence list. The closing date is July 10th, 2018.

Applications should be sent to:

Dr. Madine VanderPlaat
Modern Languages and Classics
Saint Mary's University
(902) 420-8289

CUPE 3912 job-postings part-time instructor Classics/

[4] Conferences & Lectures; Calls for Papers / Conférences; appels à communications


From Alison Barclay

The Classics program at Saint Mary's University (Halifax, NS) is pleased to be hosting this year's Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Classical Association, to be held on Friday October 19 and Saturday October 20, 2018.

Papers of 20 minutes duration are invited on any aspect of the Ancient World (literature, history, archaeology, art history, philosophy, etc.). Please send an abstract of no more than 200 words and include your name, affiliation, and any A.V. requirements. Abstracts must be submitted by e-mail attachment to Alison Barclay ( by August 10, 2018.

If you do not wish to give a paper but still plan on attending the conferences, please let us know by September 15th, 2018.

Information concerning accommodations, registration, etc. will be circulated in early September. A reminder: to ensure that your e-mail address is added to the circulation list, please contact Alison Barclay (


From Paul Schubert via Allison Glazebrook

Dear colleagues,

You will find below a call for panels & posters issued by the organizing committee of the organizing committee of the FIEC Congress (London 2019, jointly with the Classical Association, Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies and the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies).

With best wishes,

Paul Schubert (FIEC Secretary General)

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Chères / chers collègues,

Vous trouverez ci-dessous un appel à la constitution de panels et posters, diffuse par le comité d'organisation du Congrès de la FIEC (Londres 2019, en collaboration avec la Classical Association, la Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies et la Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies).

Avec mes meilleures salutations,

Paul Schubert (Secrétaire général de la FIEC)

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The 15th annual conference of the Fédération Internationale des Associations d'Études Classiques will take place in conjunction with the 2019 Classical Association Annual conference on 4th–8th July 2019 in the Institute of Education (UCL) in Bloomsbury London. FIEC business meetings will take place on 4th July, and the conference proper will begin on 5th.

We expect hundreds of classicists from all over the world and at any stage in their career to attend, to hear plenary lectures from international leaders in our field, to present and hear papers, to participate in debates and discussions and to take part in cultural activities and workshops.

The Programme Committee is now inviting proposals for panels and posters.

Each panel will be of 2 hours duration. We anticipate that many panels will consist of 4 short papers united by a common theme. We also invite proposals for panels and workshops in different formats, but within a 2 hour block.

We aim to select a range of panels that reflects the breadth of traditional and non-traditional classics, including but not limited to Greek and Latin literatures of all periods, linguistics, ancient history in its widest sense, philosophy and religion, art and archaeology, Neo-Latin and Byzantine studies, and the past and current reception of the classics in all media and in different cultures and traditions. We also welcome panels drawing on comparative and interdisciplinary studies. We anticipate there will be panels discussing national traditions in classical research and that some panels will deal with non-Greek peoples such as Etruscans, Persians and Phoenicians. We especially encourage panels dealing with pedagogy and outreach.

It is the tradition of both FIEC and the Classical Association to represent as wide a range of speakers as possible. Panels are more likely to be selected if they include speakers from more than one country, and if they include junior as well as senior speakers. Panels consisting only of men are unlikely to be selected unless a powerful case is made for an exception. Following feedback and discussion we accept that we were wrong to initially discourage all women panels.

We also accept that not all participants are comfortable with binary categories. We seek to be as flexible and inclusive as possible in relation to gender identity. We invite any potential participant who wishes to contact the Programme Committee Chair ( in confidence about this.

Each panel proposal should include a title for the session, the names and affiliations of all speakers, and a 150 word abstract for each paper and for the panel as a whole. The deadline for proposals is 1st July 2018. They should be sent to One named person should be the proposer and should provide a contact e-mail. It is not necessary that she or he be the chair of the panel, but if not then the name of the chair should be indicated in the proposal. If the proposal is for a very different format to a multi-speaker panel, the proposer is strongly encouraged to contact the Programme Committee as far in advance as possible.The Programme Committee expects to make its selections over the course of the summer and by the end of September at the latest. Its decisions will be final.

The Programme Committee also invites proposals for posters. Posters may present individual or collaborative projects, and scholars of all career stages are encourage to apply. Proposals for posters should also be sent to by the 1st July 2018 and selection will take place on the same time scale as for panels. Proposals for posters should include a 150 word description of the subject and the name and contact details of the poster presenter.

Please note that were are not inviting proposals for individual papers.

Further details of the conference will appear in due course on a dedicated website linked from both the FIEC and Classical Association websites. Details of any student bursaries will also be published in due course, along with suggestions for accommodation. Attendees, including those giving papers in panels, and/or presenting posters, will need to make pay their own travel and accommodation costs given the large number of delegates and speakers expected.

We look forward very much to welcoming you in London next year.


From Randall Pogorzelski

The Australasian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS) will hold its 40th Annual Meeting and Conference at the University of New England in Armidale, NSW, Australia, from 4–7 February 2019. We welcome abstracts on all aspects of the classical world, its reception, and traditions.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is Tuesday 31st July 2018.

The abstract coversheet, instructions for submitting abstracts, and guidelines for papers and panels can be found on the ASCS website.

The conference convenors are Drs Graeme Bourke, Bronwyn Hopwood, and Clemens Koehn. Please direct enquiries prior to 31st July to Bronwyn Hopwood (, or to all three convenors thereafter.

2019 will be an auspicious year. It marks the 40th Annual Conference of ASCS, the 50th Anniversary of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, and 60th Anniversary of the UNE Museum of Antiquities. We are delighted, therefore, to announce four special events as part of ASCS 40 (2019):

The 40th ASCS Annual Conference Keynote Lecture will be delivered by the 2019 ASCS Keynote Speaker, Professor Teresa Morgan (Oriel College, Oxford).

The 21st A. D. Trendall Lecture of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, will be delivered jointly by Dr Lea Beness and Associate Professor Thomas Hillard (Macquarie University).

The 23rd Maurice Kelly Lecture of the University of New England Museum of Antiquities (UNEMA), will be delivered by Dr Julie Anderson, Assistant Keeper (Curator), Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan (The British Museum).

The UNE Museum of Antiquities will also unveil the UNEMA 60th Anniversary Commemorative Artefact.

A conference website, including detailed information about the conference venue, transport, accommodation, and registration will be available shortly and linked from the ASCS page.

We look forward to seeing you in Armidale in 2019.

[5] Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses et concours

No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci

[6] Summer Study, Field Schools, Special Programmes /
Cours d'été, écoles de terrain, programmes spécialisés

No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci

[7] Varia (including members' new books / dont les nouveaux livres des membres)

"The teaching of Classical Archaeology and Ancient Culture at the University of Helsinki must continue!"

From Björn Forsen via Gerry Schaus

Could you please sign this address (below also in English) and forward it to any Canadian colleagues and/or students that might be willing to sign? We are collecting names in order to convince the dean of the University of Helsinki to withdraw her decision not to fill the lectureship in Classical Archaeology and Ancient Culture (the only one in all Finland) when its current holder retires this year. We need strong international support in order to succeed.

Antiikin kulttuurin ja klassillisen arkeologian opetuksen ...

Helsingin yliopiston (HY) humanistisen tiedekunnan dekaani on ilmoittanut, että antiikin kulttuurin ja klassillisen arkeologian yliopistonlehtorin tehtävää ei aiota täyttää.

Undervisning i antikens kultur och klassisk arkeologi bor fortsatta i Helsingfors!

The teaching of Classical Archaeology and Ancient Culture at the University of Helsinki must continue!

Next regular issue   2018–07–15 / Prochaine livraison régulière   2018–07–15

Send submissions to
Pour nous faire parvenir vos soumissions:

Place the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading. Please send announcements in an editable format (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). The editor typically does not allow attachments; provide a link to posters, flyers, &c.

Écrivez le mot SOUMISSION sur la ligne "sujet". Veuillez envoyer les annonces dans un format éditable (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). En général le rédacteur ne permet pas les pièces jointes; insérez les liens à toutes affiches, circulaires, etc.