PhD Dissertation Prize

The Classical Association of Canada is pleased to re-announce the sixth competition for the CAC Prize for the Best PhD Dissertation by a member of the CAC/SCEC in Classics, Ancient History, Classical Archaeology, or Ancient Philosophy accepted for a doctoral degree at a Canadian university. The sixth award will be made in May 2023, in Halifax, at the Association’s Annual Meeting. This will recognize the best dissertation accepted during the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2022. 

Departments should make applications to the CAC/SCÉC doctoral dissertation prize committee via the Past-President,
Professor Bruce Robertson
by April 7, 2023

In 2012 the Classical Association of Canada created a new prize for the best PhD dissertation by a member of the CAC/SCEC in Classics, Ancient History, Classical Archaeology, or Ancient Philosophy accepted for a doctoral degree at a Canadian university. The value of the prize is $500.

The prize is awarded biennially at the Annual Meeting of the Association. The first award was made in May 2013 for the best dissertation accepted during the period 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2012.

The next competition will be announced on this page and in the Association News Feed.

Each nomination must include the following: 

  • an electronic copy of the dissertation in PDF format;
  • a letter from the university’s Faculty of Graduate Studies attesting that the dissertation was accepted for the doctoral degree during the period under consideration;
  • a letter of nomination from the Department Head, Chair, or Graduate Programme Director, explaining the specific merits and originality of the dissertation. Where a department submits more than one dissertation, the Department Head, Chair, or Graduate Programme Director should forward a separate memorandum addressing the relative merits of the various submissions.

The adjudication committee consists of five members: the immediate Past President (as Chair of the committee), one other member of Council (co-opted by the Past President), and three members-at-large of the Association nominated by the Nominating Committee for election by the membership in the year that nominations are due.

Past Winners
  • 2021 ─ Keven Ouellet ─ Université de Montréal Les défenses de la Grèce du Nord : architecture, géographie, histoire et phénomènes régionaux aux périodes archaïque, classique et hellénistique.
  • 2019 ─ Gaëlle Rioual ─ Université Laval / Université de Fribourg ─ Lire Grégoire de Nazianze à l’époque byzantine: Édition critique, traduction et analyse des Commentaires de Basile le Minime aux Discours 4 et 5 de Grégoire de Nazianze
  • 2017 ─ Nathan Gilbert ─ University of Toronto ─ Among Friends: Cicero and the Epicureans
  • 2015 ─ Robert McCutcheon ─ University of Toronto ─ An Archaeology of Cicero’s Letters: A Study of Late Republican Textual Culture
  • 2013 ─ Marie-Pierre Krück ─ University of Toronto ─ Discours de la corruption dans la Grèce classique

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